Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 406-414 (2016)
Morphological screening of endangered medicinal
plants of milkweed family from Thar desert,
Rajasthan, India
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
Department of Botany, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Rajasthan, India
The indigenous systems of medicine in India are Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani. These traditional systems of medicine
together with homeopathy and folkcare medicine play an important role in the health care system of the popula-
tion. Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. and Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. belongs to the milkweed family i.e. Asclepiadace,
distributed in various habitats in semi-arid region of Thar desert of Rajasthan. This work was carried out to explore
morphological pecularities of whole plant of both the representatives of the family. Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br.
is used to cure diarrhoea, oedema, stomach problems and tuberculosis. Ceropegia bulbosa is used to cure deafness,
tubers are used in the treatment of kidney stone, urinary tracts diseases and they are eaten by ladies to enhance fer-
tility and viability. Pollinial apparatus is a signi cant feature of Asclepiadaceae to characterize species and genera.
Morphological study revelaed principle characteristic differences and similarities in both the representatives plants.
True xerophytic features of Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. are, presence of milky latex, highly reduced leaves, green
globarous stem, and strong tap root af xed rmly in stony and rocky substratum in association with other xero-
phytic plants of stressed conditions. Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa and var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f. is perennial,
twining, herb of sandy substratum, bearing tubers, needs support of other xerophytic bushes/ shrubs. Both the repre-
sentative genera under study are almost endangered. Since no report on systematic and comparative morphological
analysis of whole plant of both the representatives is available, an effort has been made to prepare a protocol to
provide the keys for taxonomy and better understanding of  ora.
(L.) R.BR., TUBER.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 12
July, 2016
Accepted after revision 20
Aug, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
Medicinal plant products have a long history of indige-
nous use in india as well as other countries (Hinemath et
al., 2000). The research on medicinal plants are impor-
tant leading area in the world (Boomibalagan et al.,
2014) . Several medicinal plants remain associated with
antifertility properties (Madhumita and Saral, 2009).
The plants of family Asclepiadaceae remains distributed
from south East Asia, India, Madagascar, Tropical Ara-
bia, Canary Island, Africa except Mediteranean region,
new Guinea and north Australia (Bruyns, 2003; Dyer,
1983). The family Asclepiadaceae was previously ranked
as family and now it is treated as a subfamily of Apoc-
ynaceae. This view was also upheld by the Angiosperm
Phylogeny Group (APG 2003, 2009). It is comprised of
approximate 130 genera and 2000 species tropical as
well as subtropical, mostly shrubs, often twining or per-
ennial herbs (Indhumathi and Kalvimoorthi, 2010).
Both of the plant representatives under study
were reported from semi arid and stressed regions of
Rajasthan, the biggest state of India is situated in the
north western part. A striking geological feature of the
state is the Aravalli range which divides the state into
two physiographic regions, the 2/3 sandy arid plain is
unproductive, Thar Desert and 1/3 eastern fertile region
is comparatively rich in vegetation. The Thar Desert
encompasses about 70% of total landmass of Rajasthan
and hence it is identi ed as the “Desert state of India”.
The average temperature in winter ranges from 8° to
28°C (46° to 82° F) and in summer the average tempera-
ture range from 25° to 46°C (77° to 115° F).
Sarcostemma is a genus of at least 35 species of  ow-
ering plants. The plants are well adapted to xeric condi-
tions of Thar Desert. It inhabits dry and rocky areas on
hills. The soft stem is  lled with milky white latex that is
poisonous and caustic in some species, so often named
as caustic vine. The  owers have a ring of thick tissue
at the base which extends into hollow spherical append-
ages within the  ower corolla (GRIN, 2011). It is more
branched, leaves are either absent or highly reduced,
grows always in association with Euphorbia caducifolia
(Shetty and Singh, 1993).
Ceropegia is old world tropical genus of climbers and
it contains about 200 species, of which 49 species are
found in India. It grows sporadically in red lateritic soil.
Flowering occurs during July-September. This genus has
always been a lure to the researchers because of struc-
tural and adaptive strategies (Percival, 1969). Flower
design, corolla size, shape and coloring pattern etc. are
some special characters of this genus. Among different
species Ceropegia bulbosa is one of the widely distrib-
uted species but still threatened (Yadav and Kamble,
2008). Two varieties of Ceropegia bulbosa were ana-
lyzed morphologically i.e. Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var.
bulbosa and Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
Hook.f. The former one is characterized by broad leaves
while the later is a narrow leaved variety (Cooke, 1958).
Several species of Ceropegia are facing different threats
and almost 16 species have been recorded under dif-
ferent categories in Red Data Book (Nayar and Sastry,
The main objective of this paper was to investigate
the morphological parameters of Sarcostemma viminale
(L.) R.Br. and Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. to understand the
strategies, these plants develop to survive in stressed
desertic conditions of Thar Desert.
Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. was collected from
Jodhpur district, that is centrally situated in the west-
ern region of the state, and covers a total geographical
area of 22850 Sq. Kilometers. It lies between 26°0’ and
27°37’ north latitude and 72°55’ and 73°52’ east lon-
gitude. The district lies at a height of 250-300 meters
above sea level. Ceropegia bulbosa was collected from
Jaipur, Ajmer, Bhilwara, Chittorghar, Udaipur and Karoli
district of Rajasthan. All the plant specimens were col-
lected during month of July-September 2015. “The Flora
of Indian Desert” (Bhandari, 1978) was also consulted
for identi cation, and then the specimens were  nally
authenticated by BSI (Botanical Survey of India), Jodh-
pur (Rajasthan). Photomicrographs of the plant in its
original habitat were taken in the  eld to display the
surface feature of the leaf, stem, root and  ower. These
organs were photographed in closer views. The speci-
mens of both plant species were packed in air-tight poly
bags. The specimens were sprayed with fungicide & pes-
ticides for preparing herbarium sheets.
For morphological studies  owering twigs & herbar-
ium samples were examined through the conventional
taxonomical procedure adopted by Bentham and Hooker
(1873) and Prain (1903). Morphological parameters of
taxonomic value were determined.
The study revealed valuable differences and similarities
in morphology of two representatives genera of same
family. Remarkable differences were observed in their
habit, habitat, height, leaf appearance (size, shape and
color) and in  oral appendages.
(1) Botanical Name: Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. Ceropegia
bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa
Local name: Art khadula, Barbatta, Khaparkundis
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
Global Distribution: India and Pakistan
Indian Distribution: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab,
Orissa and West Bengal.
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f. :
Local name: Hedulo, Solari,
Global distribution: India and Pakistan
Indian distribution: Karnataka, Kerala,Tamil Nadu and
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa and var. lushii
(Grah.) Hook.f. both are small, perennial herbs grows
amongst thorny and spiny bushes of Capparis deciduas
and Prosopis julifera on which they climbs and also gets
protected against grazing animals. It requires sandy soil
mixed with some stony fraction. It was observed that both
varieties were growing together at same place (Fig. 1)
10 specimen from different location were used for
recording texture, type and measured by calculating
mean value. Roots of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bul-
bosa emerged out from turnip like tuber (4x2.5 cm) that
is glabrous, creamish brown, globose to elliptical, broad
at top and narrows down, edible. Maximum 11 roots of
variable length were observed emerging from the tuber,
root hairs are very small. The tubers and roots grow
approximately 6-8' beneath the substratum.
Roots of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
Hook.f. shows similar morphological characters except
its size that varies between 3x2.4-3x2.8cm (Fig. 2)
Morphological feature and measurements were recorded
using 10 specimens from different location and data were
analysed; stem of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa
is herbaceous, dark green climber, cylindrical, smooth,
branched with nodes and internodes of variable distances,
highest intermodal distance measured is 10 cm.
Stem of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
Hook.f. shows similar morphological characters except
the color that is less green and the maximum internodal
distance is 6.7 cm (Fig. 3).
Leaf measurement (length and width) were recorded
using 10 leaves of plant, mean value was recorded and
FIGURE 1. (A) Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa (B) Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f.
FIGURE 2. (A) Tuber of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa (B)
Tuber of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f.
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
FIGURE 3. (A) Stem of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa (B) Stem of
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f.
FIGURE 4. (A, B) Bifoliate and trifoliate leaves of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa
(C) Leaves of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f.
detailed morphological parameters are as follows; leaf of
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa develop on nodal
region of the stem, abaxial surface dark green, adaxial
surface light green, petiolate (1.8-2.3 cm), base rounded,
simple, glabrous,  eshy, stipulate, 2-3 leafs arises at
each node, opposite, superposed, margin slightly undu-
late, diameter varies between 3-3.8x2.5-3.3cm, ellip-
tic-oblong, lowest almost orbicular, largest leaves are
present almost at the middle of the stem, apex acute-
mucronate, pinnate venation.
Leaf of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
Hook.f. shows almost similar morphological characters
except the color that is less green and shape that is lin-
ear, diameter varies between 12-15x0.8-1 cm, elliptic or
elliptic lanceolate, petioles 4-8mm (Fig. 4).
10 specimens were analyzed for recording  oral meas-
urement;  ower of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa
are pendunculate (1-2.5cm), pedicillate (0.5-2 cm), simple
umbel or cymose type, arises from axil of leaf, pentamer-
ous, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, regular, white at base
and purple at top, sepals; 5, free at top, 2-3mm long, lan-
ceolate, smooth, valvate, petals; 5, broad and fused at base,
narrower and free at top, ends enrolls and make a tube like
structure to make a cage (corona) that is a nectar produc-
ing region, showing conservative pollination system that
may employ only small insects, hairy at top, maximum
length reaches to 3.3cm, valvate, stamens; 5, adnate at
base of 5 styles, pollinarium is present at base of each
style making gynostegium, ovary; bicarpilary, bilocular,
apocarpous, placentation marginal with many ovules.
Flower of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
Hook.f. is almost morphologically similar except its
color that is whiter and less purple at top (Fig. 5).
Fruit of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa is a pair of
follicles originate oppositely, 8-10x0.5 cm long, glabrous,
tapering at ends, dehisces longitudinally, many seeded.
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
Fruit of
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
Hook.f. is morphologicaly similar with var. bulbosa ,
except its diameter that is 11-13x0.4 cm (Fig. 6).
Seeds of both species are morphologicaly similar, except
diameter, usually the seeds are  at, ovate-oblong and
are crowned by a membranous margin, hairy, these hairs
facilitate the dispersal of the seeds by wind, the embryo
is large. Seeds of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa
are 6-7 x 2-3 mm, while seeds of Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f. is 7-8x2-3 mm (Fig.7).
(2) Botanical name- Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br.
Syn. Euphorbia viminalis L.
Accepted Scienti c Name is Cynanchum viminale
(L.) L.
Local name- Caustic vine, khir-khimp, somlata,
Melktou, Rapunzel
“Sarco” is Greek word meaning  eshy while
“Stemma” refers to the  eshy inner corona. The ‘caustic’
in the common name referring to the burning power of
the released latex.
Global Distribution: Myanmar, South Africa, Botswana,
Namibia and all inland parts of southern Africa, Kenya,
India, Burma, in coastal regions of Australia, China,
Philippines, Thailand and New Caledonia,
Indian Distribution: Keralas, Bengal and Rajasthan
Vigorous shrub, rarely tree-like, erect trailing or twin-
ing, perennial, grows more luxuriantly during rainfall,
requires rocky habitat with soil as a component, grows
in association with Euphorbia caducifolia, it may be a
type of indirect interaction that allows facilitation of
congeneric species. When traits have diverged within
genus, the competition is relaxed, that allows the coex-
istence of species. All parts of the plant exude milky
latex when damaged (Fig.1).
FIGURE 5. (A,B) Flowers of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa (C)
Flower of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook.f.
FIGURE 6. (A) Fruits of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa
(B) Fruits of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.)
FIGURE 7. (A,B) Seeds of Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var.
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
10 specimens from different location were used for
recording texture, type and measured by calculating
mean value. Primary as well as secondary (adventitious)
root is present, as branches whenever comes in contact
with substratum, they forms stolons. Primary root pro-
fusely branched, as compared to adventitious root, root
hairs are present all along the length of branches. Pri-
mary roots pale-brown goes 15-20 cm down, the sub-
stratum (Fig.2).
Leaves are highly reduced they develops on nodal region
of stem, sessile, simple, opposite, exstipulate, apex acute,
margin slightly crenate, caducous or turns scaly, 2-3
mm long (Fig.3).
Cylindrical, rigid at base, radius 3.5 cm, erect, trailing,
sprawling, scrambling or lianescent, with or without a
main stem, green, succulent, pubescent when young,
FIGURE 1. (A) Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. growing in association with
Euphorbia caducifolia (B) Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. when Euphorbia
caducifolia was removed
FIGURE 2. Roots of Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. (A) Branching in
primary root (B) Secondary root formation in stolon
FIGURE 3. Leaf of Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. (A)
Side view (B) Front view
glabrous when mature, internodes 9-14cm long, some-
times 2 opposite branches arises from node rather than
origin of leaf, base woody and with a very thick corru-
gated corky bark when old(Fig. 4).
Floral diameter was recorded with 10 specimens from
same plant. The details of measurement and  oral fea-
tures is as follows; shape when closed is like an embossed
star, aroma of jasmine, many  owers originate from a
common point on pedicel (30-40 in a bunch), simple
umbel, the main axis ends at a summit of peduncle;
maximum length of pedicel reaches upto 1.2cm, her-
maphrodite, regular, tetra-pentamerous, actinomorphic,
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
hypogynous, glandular, bracteates; (1mm in length),
fused at lower ends, glabrous, acute; sepals; 5 (maximum
length 5mm), creamish yellow, facing inwards, obtuse,
imbricate, membranous, alternating with bracts, petals;
fused to make 2 membranous rings (outer and inner) like
structures bearing stigma and staminal column; stami-
nal column fused with stigma to form gynostegium and
the gynostegium is in direct contact with inner coronary
ap, that in turn is attached with outer coronary  ap,
staminal column bears translator, nectarines present at
angle of pollinia and stigmatic disc, pollinia; sabsessile,
attened and lanceolate, creamish yellow; ovary; bicar-
pellary, apocarpus, style free, stigma makes a pentan-
gular disc to support translator, marginal placentation,
many ovules/locules (Fig.5).
A follicle, maximum length reaches up to 10.5cm, width
vary between 0.6-0.8cm, many seeded, tapering at distal
end, broad at proximal end, turns brown when ripe, it
splits along one suture, it is produced from bicarpillary
superior ovary (Fig.6).
0.8-0.9mm x 0.2-0.3mm, aril absent, oblong, conical at
one end and broader at another end, one surface  at-
FIGURE 4. (A,B) Stem of Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br.
FIGURE 5. (A,B,C,D) Flower of Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R.Br. (D)
Gynostegium with pollinia
FIGURE 6. (A,B) Fruits of Sarcostemma viminale (L.)
Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
tened another convex, endospermic, uneven surface,
edges sharp, with pappus (coma) at conical end, blackish
brown, membranous (Fig. 7).
Plant morphology may help to understand basic con-
ceptual aspects as new approaches need to correct a past
draw back. Morphological description may serve as a
conceptual framework to link with other approaches,
thus this approach may be seen as an integrated and
continuous process that goes through reference points.
The precise morphological description of Sar-
costemma viminale (L.) R.Br. is still lacking and we have
tried to describe it at our best.
The family Asclepiadaceae is unique due to the pres-
ence of pollinia and milky latex. Present investigation
reveals several interesting morphological similarities
and differences in both plants belonging to same family,
even some differences have been observed in two varie-
ties of same genus i.e. Ceropegia bulbosa. The author has
reported differences right from habitat that occurs till
seed formation. All the plants under study have success-
fully adapted to harsh and stressed climate by showing
remarkable adaptation like leaf less condition, lanceo-
late-linear leaves reducing transpiring zone, green stem
substituting the absence of leaves. Twinning habit also
protects them against strong winds of Thar. Thick tex-
ture of leaves of Ceropegia supports them against high
wind currents.
Ceropegia is therefore example of a large genus that
has diversi ed despite an apparently functionally spe-
cialized (Fenster et al., 2004; Ollerton et al., 2007).
Sarcostemma is a genus that shows peculiar morpho-
logical features to adapt in Thar desert. We always have
reported it growing in association with Euphorbia cadu-
cifolia, most probably it facilitates Sarcostemma for its
survival and shows commensalistic relationship. Ration-
ale of this ‘proxy’ is Darwins idea that congeneric species
are similar in many habits and constitituation, have high
overlapping niches and therefore compete more strongly
than species of distant genera (Violle et al., 2011).
Burns and Strauss (2011) demonstrated that most spe-
cies germinate well at conspeci c and congeneric sites
and less well at confamilial and distant relative sites.
Leaf less habit, photosynthetic substitution, presence of
more amount of latex, strong tap root and rocky - stony
habit preference are some of the strategies that the plant
adapt to stay in stressed climatic conditions.
Both the plants under study are typically endan-
gered so they need most care and conservation. Recently
Ceropegia species have attracted attention of several
workers due to its rare occurrence, it is dif cult to prop-
agate, cultivate and maintain in gardens and hence its
conservation is a major challenge to biologists (Sagar et
al., 2014).
Once the description of plant forms is available then
the role played by genes and proteins in the mainte-
nance or stability of shapes will be better understood, it
strongly needs an elaborative and theoretical approach
towards morphology rather than sophisticated experi-
mentation that may be required later on to unveil
molecular status.
The authors are thankful to Prof. P.K. Kasera for provid-
ing academic support and the CAS Department of Bot-
any JNV University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) for providing
infrastructure and technical support.
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Sunita Arora and Sonam Meena
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