Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 475-480 (2016)
Investigations on non-traumatic brain hemorrhage
cases of 30 year below decedents from Tehran
Fares Najari*
Mohammad A. E. Hadi
, B. Nazparvar
and K. Saravanei
Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Faculty Member of Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran
Forensics Assistant, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Cerebral hemorrhage due to tumours is as one of the most common reasons of mortality especially in the age group
of 15-30 years, hence timely diagnosis of the place and the type of bleeding is quite important. Since the bleeding
occurs in 5 to 10 percent of brain tumors, the bleeding inside the brain tumor is more common in brain metastases.
As in Iran no any comprehensive study has done in this regards, this study has been conducted. In a descriptive
cross-sectional and retrospective study, the medical documents of under 30 years decedents with non-traumatic brain
hemorrhage referred to the anatomy hall of Tehran forensics Organization were investigated. A checklist containing
credible cases was designed; and the data related to personal information, clinical features and the epidemiology
indexes were extracted from the available documents and records of patients. It was observed that over 10 years
ago, 100 people under 30 years with non-traumatic brain hemorrhage have been referred to the anatomy hall of
Kahrizak; out of which, 77 percent had no any history of drug use, 16 percent with the history of smoking, 4 percent
had the history of using crystal and the rest 3 percent had the history of using the drug. In investigating the type
of non-traumatic brain hemorrhage, 12 people had cerebellar hemorrhage, 3 people epidural, 11 people subdural,
18people cerebral ventricles, 29 people subarachnoid and 27 people had inside brain tissue hemorrhage that the most
frequency of hemorrhage was related to subarachnoid. The obtained results of the present study demonstrate that
non-traumatic brain hemorrhage in the persons with the history of drug abuse and women and men and the age
groups has signi cant difference (P- < 0.05).
*Corresponding Author:
Received 24
July, 2016
Accepted after revision 1
Sep, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
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Fares Najari et al.
Braine hemorrhage is one of the most common and
important vascular events caused by mostly high blood
pressure and the brain degenerative changes; and based
on the obtained results of a study conducted by Ray-
mond, (2000), it can lead to mortality and physical dis-
ability in the different grades. As annually in U.S.A in
about three hundred and  fty thousand people physical
disability occurs due to this disease, ( Broderick et al.,
According to the obtained results of a study conducted
by Rincon et al., (2011) the inside brain hemorrhage with
the incidence rate of 11 to 33 cases per 100000 people
annually is considered as a common disease. Results of
Rincon and Mayer (2013) have shown that these hemor-
rhages are two times more common than bleeding in the
subarachnoid space. These hemorrhages in men is a little
more common than in women and among the blacks is
more common than their whites peers.
The study conducted by Korkman et al., (2010)
showed that inside brain hemorrhage is as the dead-
liest form of stroke; and the mortality rate in them is
4%.Basically, surgeons believe that the young patients
have better prognosis; accordingly, they are more inter-
ested that the surgery to be done on them. Based on the
study conducted by Ghsemi, (2014) there is not any rela-
tion between age and prognosis.
The inside brain hemorrhage due to lack or presence
of trauma is classi ed to two groups of traumatic or non-
traumatic hemorrhage. Based on above data, non- trau-
matic inside brain hemorrhage or spontaneously is said to
the brain inside parenchyma hemorrhage that may extend
to inside the ventricles and rarely subarachnoid space
Pursuance to the conducted study by Zuccarello, et al.,
(1999), the reasons of inside brain hemorrhage are such as
vascular problems, tumors, coagulation disorders, trauma
vasculitis and drug causes.The most common drugs that
lead to inside brain hemorrhage are sympathomimetics
that are amphetamines, which can lead to hemorrhage
in the brain sub cortical white tissue in form of intrave-
nous, oral and intranasal within a few hours, followed by
cocaine and crack which lead to internal brain hemor-
rhage, (Joynt, 1991, Bambakidis and Selman 2004, Koo-
sarei et al., 2009 and Lip et al., 2011).
The major risk factors that are amendable are such as
smoking, the disease of increasing the blood pressure,
cocaine and alcohol consumption . The patients that their
rst-degree relative have the history of hemorrhage, are
in the high risk . The high blood pressure almost dou-
bles the risk of hemorrhage, Ingall et al (2000) and Vic-
tor and Ropper, (2001): apart from high blood pressure,
there are three predisposing factors of brain hemorrhage
such as smoking, (27%), increase of cholesterol with or
without increasing triglyceride (21%) and diabetic (10%).
Brain hemorrhage based on the place of bleeding are
classi ed to the inside brain, subarachnoid, subdural
and epidural hemorrhage that all of them except sub-
dural hemorrhage almost are occurred due to arterial
bleeding. Based on studies by Massagli et al., (1996),
and Biller et al., (2008) acute subdural hematomas occur
due to fall or invasion and proportionally less because
of road traf c accidents. In the present investigation,
it has been observed that the most important clinical
features is increasing of acute blood pressure inside the
skull. As till now, no any study has been conducted in
Iran regarding the cause of the reasons of non-traumatic
brain hemorrhage, in the under 30 year age group, so we
decided to conduct this study.
This descriptive study is cross-sectional as its studied
population consists of the record of the referred dece-
dents to anatomy hall over 10 years ago. Inclusion crite-
ria 1- the referred decedents to Tehran Forensics Organi-
zation since early in 2004 till the end of 2014 , 2- if the
reason of brain hemorrhage is non- traumatic 3- if the
age of decedents is less than 30 year. Then, among the
decedents, those who had traumatic brain hemorrhage
and had the age more than 30 years were excluded. The
minimum volume of sample was obtained 100 by using
the Cochran’s formula. And at the end, the record of
100 under 30 year patients with non- traumatic brain
hemorrhage was investigated and analyzed. To analyze
the data, the descriptive statistics such as gender, the
age group and the history of drug consumption and the
percent of all types of brain hemorrhage were used; and
for inferential analysis, the Chi-square test with 5% sig-
ni cant level (P < 0.05) was used.
The  ndings showed that among the under studied dece-
dents with non- traumatic brain hemorrhage, 64% were
man and the maximum percent (30%) allocated to the
age group of 21 to 30 year and the minimum percent
(15%) belonged to the age group of 11 to 20 year.
36 percent were women that the most percent (16%)
allocated to the age group of 21 to30 and the minimum
percent 9% allocated to the age group less than 10 year
(table 1). According to the  ndings among men, the
inside brain tissue hemorrhage with 22 % people had
the most frequency and the cerebella hemorrhage and
epidural with 3 people 3% had the minimum frequency.
Among the women with hemorrhage of subarachnoid
with 14 people (14%) the most frequency and the epi-
Fares Najari et al.
dural hemorrhage was not seen (table2). Based on the
ndings the under 10 year people with 9 cases (9%),
the most frequency was related to the hemorrhage of
cerebral ventricles and with 2 cases (2%) the minimum
frequency was related to the inside the brain tissue hem-
Among the people 11 to 20 year with 12 cases (12%)
the most frequency was related to the inside brain tissue
hemorrhage; and epidural hemorrhage and subarach-
noid were not seen.
In the age group of 21 to 30 year with 24 cases (24%),
the most frequency was related to the subarachnoid
hemorrhage and the cerebella hemorrhage and epidural
were not seen (table 3).
Pursue to the  ndings in the people with the his-
tory of smoking with 8 cases (8%), the most frequency
was related to the brain inside tissue hemorrhage; and
cerebella and epidural hemorrhage were not seen; and
abusing the crystal had the most frequency relevant to
the subarachnoid hemorrhage and the drugs abusing
had the most frequency related to the cerebral ventricles
hemorrhage (table 4).
The  ndings showed that totally the docents with
brain non- traumatic hemorrhage with 29 people (29%)
had the most frequency related to the subarachnoid
hemorrhage and with 3 people (3%) the least frequency
was related to epidural hemorrhage.
Since subdural bleeding does not occur without
trauma, 3 cases of baby boys following to hard deliv-
ery and 9 cases of subdural bleeding in the wake of the
blood cancer were observed.
During this study, three premature birth of baby girl
with subarachnoid hemorrhage and three cases of two-
day baby girls with cerebral and subarachnoid hemor-
rhage along with under the scalp hematoma in tem-
pro and left parietal as well as bilateral occipital were
observed. In addition, three cases of 10day boy baby
with extensive hemorrhage of cerebral ventricles and
Table 3: The frequency distribution of different non-traumatic brain hemorrhage in under 30year
decedents referred to the anatomy hall of Tehran Forensic Organization during 2004-2014 based
on the age
Subarachnoid Cerebral
Subdural Epidural Cerebellum The type of
28 2 6 9 3 3 6 Less than 10
26 12 0 3 5 0 6 11-20 year
46 13 24 6 3 0 0 21-30 year
Pearson Chi-Square: 49.65 df: 10 Sig: 0.000
Table 2: The frequency distribution of non-traumatic brain hemorrhages under 30 year decedents referred
to the anatomy hall of Tehran Forensic Organization during 2004-2014 based on the gender
Inside the
brain tissue
Subarachnoid Cerebral
Subdural Epidural Cerebellum The kind of
64 22 15 15 6 3 3 Men
36 5 14 3 5 0 9 Women
Pearson Chi-Square: 18.43 df: 5 Sig: 0.002
Table1: The frequency distribution of gender and the age group of under 30 year decedents
with the non-traumatic brain hemorrhage referred to the anatomy hall of Tehran Forensic
Organization during 2004-2014
Age Age
Less than
10 year
27 22 9/98 19/25 64 30 15 19 Men
30 17 9/74 16/36 36 16 11 9 Women
20 9/95 18/21 100 46 26 28 Total sum
Fares Najari et al.
under the scalp as well as mild bleeding in right parietal
head was seen. Based on Biller et al., (2008)  ndings,
the acute subdural hematoma occurs due to fall or attack
and invasion and in comparison less as a result of road
traf c accidents.During this study, 3 cases boy baby fol-
lowing a hard delivery (CPD or Birth canal stenosis) and
9 cases subdural hemorrhage following the blood cancer
were observed. In this study, the subdural hemorrhage
of babies just were seen in the male gender; that were
not seen in no other study,( Lot et al., (2001). The con-
ducted study by Massagli et al., (1996) earlier had shown
that epidural hematoma occurred due to bleeding in the
space between dora and skull; and usually was present
due to rupture of the membranes of brain vessels and
almost was along with the skull fracture.
In the present study, three cases of epidural hemor-
rhage in new born boys, in the  eld of congenital dis-
orders in the region of occipital were seen; that in these
cases the bleeding was observed just in the male gen-
der. In terms of prevalence, it is compatible with the
obtained results of Giroud et al., (1991); however based
on the results of Sacco, (2000) no important statisti-
cal difference among the bleeding prevalence was seen
among men and women (54 % men and 46% women).
This difference may be due to the variety, country and
circumstances of the subjects under study.
In the present study, by increasing the age, the risk
of death increased and the age average of under stud-
ied population was 18.21 year. The age average of men
was 19.25 and age average of women was 15.36 year.
Based on the study conducted Nick-Seresht et al., (2003)
, the age of the patient had relation with the inside brain
hemorrhage; and for each decade of increasing life, the
risk of death increased 1.13 times as well.
Lip et al., (2011) have also showed that by increasing
the age, the risk of bleeding increases as well. According
to the earlier  ndings of Ghandeharei et al, (2009) and
Khoda et al., (2011) inside brain hemorrhage occurrence
increased as well. That is consistence with the results
of this study. It can be said that by increasing the age,
due to erosion of blood vessels and body members and
occurrence of numerous diseases lead to increasing the
risk of non- traumatic hemorrhage.In the present study,
epidural hemorrhage with three cases showed the least
cause of death. The hemorrhage of subdural was 11 cases
in the Xuming et al., (2007),the rate of subdural hem-
orrhage was reported to be 42%. The reason was the
regional differences and life habits. Based on the inves-
tigations, none of the studies has been done regarding
spontaneous occurrence of epidural and subdural hem-
orrhage. In this study, prevalence of cerebella hemor-
rhage was 12 cases (12%). Based on the work of Ingall et
al., (2000), the cerebella hemorrhage had 7% prevalence.
Based on the results, the brain ventricles inside hem-
orrhage were 18cases and inside the brain tissue was
27 cases as well. Based on the studies conducted by
Khoda et al., (2011),the primary inside brain ventricles
bleeding is as the most common place of brain bleed-
ing. In the study conducted by Lot et al., 2001) 35% of
cases had inside ventricle bleeding. The results of Badiei
(2006) on the newborns showed that 19.5% of them had
inside brain ventricles hemorrhage. Similarly,Parnia et
al.,(2006), have reported that the inside ventricle hem-
orrhage had the most frequency. Based on the obtained
results of this study, the most percent of hemorrhage
was related to subarachnoid bleeding with 29 cases
In a review, it has been reported that the prevalence
of subarachnoid hemorrhage in the difference popula-
tion was from 2 percent of 1000 people annually for
China and up to 22.5 % of 1000 people, annually for
Finland ( Rincon and Mayer 2013).In an earlier con-
ducted study by Lot et al., (2001) about half of bleeding
cases in the newborns hemorrhage (48%) were related to
subarachnoid. Based on the results of this study on new-
borns, the highest amount of hemorrhage rate (6%) was
Table 4: The frequency distribution of non-traumatic brain hemorrhages types in under30 year decedents
referred to the anatomy hall of Tehran Forensic Organization during 2004-2014 based on the history of
abusing drug
the brain
Subarachnoid Cerebral
Subdural Epidural Cerebellum The type of
History of drug
77 Without history of
consuming drugs
16 8 3 0 5 0 0 Cigarette
4 1 3 0 0 0 0 Crystal
3 0 0 3 0 0 0 Drug
Pearson Chi-Square: 35.54 df: 15 Sig: 0.002
Fares Najari et al.
related to subarachnoid, the cerebella hemorrhage was
(3%) subdural hemorrhage (3%) , epidural hemorrhage
(3%), bleeding in the brain ventricles (3%) was seen; that
the bleeding in the brain ventricles has been seen just in
boy newborn; and the cerebella hemorrhage was seen in
girl newborn.
The results of the present work, show that the fre-
quency of non- traumatic brain hemorrhage among
the persons with the history of consuming the drugs
was different. The most factor of hemorrhage in these
patients was smoking and the minimum role was related
to drugs consumption (P< 0.05). According to the results
of Joynt, (1991), the most common and important disor-
ders, among the neurological diseases was cerebrovas-
cular occurrences, arising from numerous factors, which
can lead to physical disabilities of different degrees fol-
lowed by death. Pursuant to a conducted study by Koo-
sarei et al., (2009), consuming drugs such as ampheta-
mines is also as one of the effective factors to cause
these types of hemorrhages which can lead to damage in
the white sub-cortical brain tissue within a few hours. In
a study conducted by Broderick et al.,(2003), using such
drugs increase the risk of brain hemorrhage. Data of the
present study also demonstrate that consuming drugs
such as cigarettes, crystal and amphetamines induce
brain hemorrhages, which were effective respectively in
the following order > subdural and subarachnoid hem-
orrhage > Subarachnoid hemorrhage > Bleeding of the
brain ventricles.
As the subdural bleedings are not created without
trauma, 3 cases of boy newborn following the hard
delivery (CPD birth canal stenosis) and 9 cases of sub-
dural hemorrhage following the blood cancer were seen.
Since, epidural hemorrhage without trauma is not pos-
sible. In the newborn’s boy with vascular impairment
in the  eld of congenital malformations, the epidural
hemorrhages in the occipital areas without trauma were
seen, as the subdural and epidural hemorrhages just
occurred in traumatic cases (hit on head). In the present
study, some cases of epidural or subdural bleeding in
the newborns have also been seen, that show that the
epidural and subdural hemorrhage always do not occur
along with trauma. By considering that high prevalence
of brain hemorrhage in the age group of under 30 years
with the history of drugs consuming, it is required that
the treating physicians should always consider the risk
of these kinds of hemorrhages in the young people with
drug abuse. It is proposed that in the future more studies
should be conducted for investigating the other reasons,
such as coagulation disorders, tumors, use of alcohol
and others in the patients with hemorrhage.
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