Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 481-488 (2016)
Identi cation of novel micro RNAs and their targets in
Cocos nucifera
–A Bioinformatics approach
A.T. Vivek
and Faisal Moossa
Department of Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Calicut University PO, Malappuram 673 635, India
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility, Department of Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Calicut University
PO, Malappuram 673 635, India
MicroRNAs are endogenous, non-translated, small RNAs of ~21 nucleotides that are processed from stem-loop
regions of long transcripts. MicroRNA is responsible for regulation of gene expression of diverse aspects of plant
development at the post-transcriptional level. Coconut is one of the major perennial crop, that has wide commercial
importance. The identi cation of novel miRNAs from non-sequenced genome of plants can be done by comparative
genomics approach using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) following  ltering criteria based on structural features.In
an attempt to identify potential miRNAs from Cocos nucifera,1008 ESTs were employed for homology based search
to reported viridiplantae miRNAs. The candidate miRNAs were used for secondary structure prediction that led to
the identi cation of one novel miRNA from mir2673 family. The gene targets predicted miRNA shows crucial role in
regulation of auxin signaling pathway, transcription factors, abiotic stress, retrotransposons etc. The outcomes of this
study will considerably enhance the scope to understand the role of miRNAs in C.nucifera.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 6
Sep, 2016
Accepted after revision 29
Sep, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
MicroRNAs are a set of endogenous non-coding RNAs
of ~21 nucleotides in length, which has vital role in
the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation
of gene expression (Zhang et al., 2006). These act as
an important regulator in various processes of develop-
ment, cell signaling and stress conditions (Millar et al.,
2005;Sunkar et al., 2006; Khraiwesh et al., 2012). The
expression of single gene may be controlled by multiple
miRNAs and single miRNA can have multiple gene tar-
gets (Dehury et al., 2013).
The plant miRNA genes are present in both introns
and exons which are transcribed to pre-miRNA(primary
miRNA) transcripts and there exists capped structures
as well polyA tail that are processed to form stem loop
structures. The mature miRNAs are produced from these
pre-miRNA transcripts by DCL1 (Dicer like-1) and endo-
Vivek and Faisal Moossa
nuclease III-like enzyme,is exported via HASTY 5 to the
cytosol. The target gene expression is regulated by RNA-
induced silencing complex (RISC) containing mature
miRNA incorporated into it (Bartel., 2004). In plants, the
rst miRNA was reported in Arabidopsis thaliana
lowing which several thousands of novel miRNAs has
been discovered in plants by computational and experi-
mental techniques(Reinhart et al., 2002; Grif ths-Jones
and Sam., 2006; Zhang et al., 2016; Akter et al., 2014).
The miRNAs in plants represent a high degree
of perfect or nearly perfect complementary to their
targets(Rhoades et al., 2002). This highly conservative
character of plant miRNAs promises in screening of
homolog sequences of miRNAs from nucleotide archives
of different plant kingdoms using in silico techniques
based on homology (Das et al., 2010). Many conserved
miRNAs have been screened in various model and non-
model plants by using the genomic data and homology
based computational techniques, as exempli ed in the
study which resulted in identi cation of 682 miRNAs in
155 diverse plant species (Sunkar et al., 2008). Compu-
tational predictions of miRNAs has also been reported
in many of the non-model crops such as garlic, ginger,
cannabis and basil (Panda et al., 2014; Singh et al.,
2014; Das et al., 2015 and Singh et al., 2016).
Cocos nucifera.L. (2n=2x=32), a member of Arecaceae
family , is one of the commercially important palms.
Being a perennial tree, it is cultivated widely across the
world for its versatile utilities uses from food to cosmetics
(Govaerts., 2003). Since the available genetic resources
are less, comprehensive analysis on the available data
in online repositories has to be exercised. At present, no
miRNA has been predicted using the available ESTs for
C.nucifera. Hence, in this study, an in silico approach
for screening of potential miRNAs was performed using
homolog search of Viridiplantae miRNAs (miRBase)
against the expressed sequence tags. The elimination of
coding sequences and use of non-coding ESTs for second-
ary structure of the precursor miRNA was predicted using
MFOLD which led to the identi cation of novel miRNA.
Finally, the predicted novel miRNA was used to  nd the
target genes from Arabidopsis thaliana transcripts.
The reported 8,496 miRNAs belonging to Viridiplan-
tae were downloaded from miRBase (Released 21: June,
2014) and clustered by CD- HIT-EST, with threshold value
of 100 (Li et al., 2006). From the clustered sequences of
3777, non-redundant miRNAs were selected which in
turn used as reference miRNAs for  nding the homologs
in C. nucifera to create a local nucleotide sequence
database. Publically available, 1008 ESTs were down-
loaded from EST database, NCBI (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/dbEST/) to represent query sequences for miRNA
The alignment tool NCBI Blast+ was used for con-
served miRNA prediction of Cocos nucifera ESTs by
making local database of miRNA after retrieving the
representative sequences of miRNA (Cock et al., 2015).
The secondary structures of pre-miRNAs were performed
through online version of MFOLD (Zuker and Michael.,
2003). The putative target genes for the predicted miRNA
of coconut were identi ed using plant small RNA psR-
NATarget Web Server (Dai et al., 2011). The circos plot
was drawn using online Circoletto tool(Darzentas et al.,
The EST sequences were taken to perform blastn
search against locally setup Viridiplantae miRNA
database downloaded from miRBase. The blast search
was performed with following parameters: (a) e-value
threshold<0.01 (b) mismatches=0-2. The obtained hits
with less than 3 nucleotide mismatches and without gap
were selected to extract the precursor sequences (pre-
miRNA). The method of a sliding window of 100 nt in
size from ~80nt upstream and ~80nt nucleotide down-
stream of the mature miRNA were set to pick the best
miRNA precursors (Singh and Nagaraju., 2008).
The secondary structures were predicted using web
based MFOLD tool with following criteria:
(a) linear RNA sequence
(b) folding temperature  xed at 37
(c) ionic conditions of 1 M NaCl without divalent
(d) percent sub-optimality number of 5
(e) maximum interior/bulge loop size of 30
(f) energy dot plot was turned on and the other
parameters were set as default.
After prediction of the secondary structure of the
precursor sequence of potential miRNA homologs, the
following criteria were setup to select potential miRNA
as described by Zhang in 2005 (Zhang et al., 2005):
(a) A minimal length of the pre-miRNA: 60 nt. (b) The
pre-miRNA must be into appropriate stem loop hairpin
secondary structure. (c) The position of mature miRNA
sequence should be in one arm of the hairpin structure.
(d) The mature miRNA sequence and its opposite miRNA
strand should not have more than 6 nt mismatches. (e)
The total A+U % should be in the range of 30-70%. (f)
should have higher minimal folding free energy index
(MFEI) and negative minimal folding free energy (MFE)
to distinguish the miRNA secondary from other small
RNAs. (f) The MFEI and adjusted MFE(AMFE) was calcu-
lated using the following equations:
MFEI =[(AMFE/(G+C)% ]
AMFE=[MFE÷ length of precursor miRNA] X100
Vivek and Faisal Moossa
Table 1: List of coding and non-coding
ID Coding/
573332413 coding 2.81173
573332205 noncoding -1.34675
573332140 coding 0.197992
573332096 noncoding -1.39801
573332024 noncoding -0.82414
573332021 noncoding -1.21493
573331999 noncoding -1.05615
573329619 noncoding -1.26066
573329529 noncoding -1.23343
573329506 coding 0.746432
573329506 coding 0.746432
323150074 noncoding -1.08997
323150034 noncoding -1.39945
The perfect complementarity or near complemen-
tarity permits the identi cation of miRNA targets. The
C. nucifera miRNA targets were identi ed through
homolog search by subjecting mature miRNA sequence
as query against Arabidopsis thaliana transcript library
with removed miRNA gene set(ftp://ftp.arabidopsis.
blastsets/TAIR10_cdna_20101214_updated) using psR-
NAtarget webserver. The following parameters were
employed in prediction of miRNA targets :
(a) No.of target genes for each small RNA:10
(b) Maximum mismatch at complementary site:≤2
without any gaps
(c) Maximum exception of 2.0
(d) Target accessibility-allowed maximum energy
to un-pair the target site (UPE): 25
(e) Range of central mismatch leading to transla-
tion inhibition: 9–11 nt
(f) Flanking length around the target accessibility
analysis: 17 bp upstream and 13 bp in down-
stream length of complementarity score: 20
The entire work ow for the prediction of coconut
miRNAs is illustrated in Fig.1
The conserved microRNAs in plants among different
species including monocot and dicot are involved in
various biological activities (Yang et al.,2007). The novel
miRNA in C.nucifera was predicted using homology
based in silico approach. The known miRNA from mir-
Base and the available C.nucifera ESTs were performed
BLAST to obtain a total of 13 homologs after elimina-
tion of repeated sequences. Thereafter, 13 ESTs were
Table 2: Details of the predicted miRNA
Length of EST sequence 1008
Length of precursor miRNA 99nt
Length of mature miRNA 19nt
Precursor miRNA coordinates 74-172
Mature miRNA coordinates 135-153
Family of miRNA mir 2673
MFE 49.70 -Kcal/mol
MFEI 0.80
AMFE 50.2020 -Kcal/mol
Nucleotide mismatch 1
Number of each nucleotides
in pre-miRNA sequences
(A+T/U)% 37.38%
(G+C)% 62.62 %
Precursor miRNA sequence
Vivek and Faisal Moossa
FIGURE 1. Work ow of Coconut miRNA prediction
FIGURE 2. The stem loop structure of the predicted potential pre-miRNA miRNA in C.nucifera with its
mature miRNA sequence (highlighted in blue)
screened for coding and non-coding sequences, which
resulted in 9 non-coding miRNAs, out of which strong
non-coding sequences were taken based on the basis of
coding potential score (Ref. Table 1).
After circumspectly considering nucleotide BLAST
and CPC tool results, we were able to identify the nine
unique EST sequences that showed homology with the
known the miRNAs in mirBase.These unique ESTs were
subjected for secondary structure prediction and the
results attained were investigated for appropriate pre-
cursor miRNA and its respective stem-loop structure.
On applying the  ltering criteria of secondary struc-
ture prediction, one novel miRNA was found (Fig. 2 and
Fig. 3). The miRNA represented mir 2673 family with
Vivek and Faisal Moossa
Table 3: List of the potential targets of newly identi ed miRNA in coconut
Target Acc. e-Value Inhibition Target Desc. GO Biological
GO Molecular
GO Cellular
AT3G25450.1 0 Cleavage Transposable element Copia-
like retrotransposon family
Not Available Not Available Not
AT2G37650.1 0.5 Cleavage GRAS family transcription
factor |
regulation of
transcription, DNA-
templated, transcription,
factor activity,
sequence-speci c
DNA binding
AT1G10940.2 1 Cleavage Protein kinase superfamily,
Encodes a plant protein
kinase similar to the calcium/
protein kinase subfamily and
the SNF1 kinase subfamily
(SnRK2) whose activity is
activated by ionic (salt) and
non-ionic (mannitol) osmotic
intracellular signal
primary root
development, protein
response to abscisic
acid, response to
osmotic stress, response
to salt stress
ATP binding,
kinase activity,
protein binding,
protein kinase
activity, protein
kinase activity
AT1G10940.1 1 Cleavage Protein kinase superfamily,
Encodes a plant protein
kinase similar to the calcium/
protein kinase subfamily and
the SNF1 kinase subfamily
(SnRK2) whose activity is
activated by ionic (salt) and
non-ionic (mannitol) osmotic
intracellular signal
primary root
development, protein
response to abscisic
acid, response to
osmotic stress, response
to salt stress
ATP binding,
kinase activity,
protein binding,
protein kinase
activity, protein
kinase activity
AT5G06710.2 1 Cleavage homeobox from Arabidopsis
thaliana / Homeobox-leucine
zipper protein
regulation of
transcription, DNA-
templated, transcription,
sequence-speci c
DNA binding,
factor activity,
sequence-speci c
DNA binding
AT5G06710.1 1 Cleavage homeobox from Arabidopsis
thaliana / Homeobox-leucine
zipper protein
regulation of
transcription, DNA-
templated, transcription,
sequence-speci c
DNA binding,
factor activity,
sequence-speci c
DNA binding
AT1G21590.1 1.5 Cleavage Protein kinase protein with
adenine nucleotide alpha
hydrolases-like domain
response to stress
ATP binding,
hydrolase activity,
kinase activity,
protein serine/
threonine kinase
a precursor length of 99nt, which justi es the previ-
ous reports that miRNA precursors length varies from
60-400 nucleotides (Zhang et al., 2006). If the calculated
MFEI is greater than 0.67, then there is a possibility for
precursor miRNA (Yin et al., 2008). MFEI of the pre-
dicted coconut miRNA was found to be 0.80, which sup-
ports this criterion. The AMFE calculated for the coconut
miRNA was 50.2 -kcalmol
which follows the reported
average AMFE (45.93±9.43 -kcalmol
) of 513 precursor
miRNA of plants (Zhang et al., 2006) (Ref. Table 2).
So far, the predicted miRNA family is reported only
in Medicago truncatula and therefore progress has to
be made in understanding the role of this novel miRNA
(Lelandais-Brière et al., 2009). As proposed by miRBase,
the new miRNA of coconut is named as ‘cnu-miR2673’
following the miRNA nomenclature procedure (Grif ths-
Jones and Sam., 2006) .
The understanding of target gene function of miRNA
is necessary step to know its regulation. The nature of
conserved miRNAs in plants is an important factor that
Vivek and Faisal Moossa
FIGURE 3. EST sequence containing pre-miRNA(yellow color higlighted) and mature miRNA(blue color high-
FIGURE 4. Circos plot showing Cnu-miR2673 and its target
genes: The coloured ribbons indicate the genes targeted by
the coconut microRNA. The labels represent the target genes
anked by green (start of the target sequence) and orange
(end of target sequence) blocks.
allows the  nding of the target genes based on their
complementarity or near complementarity of miRNAs
to their respective targets( Zhang et al., 2006).We have
found the  ve target genes for this one miRNA fam-
ily based on our  ltering criteria using the psRNAtar-
get tool using the available transcripts of Arabidopsis
thaliana. All of the putative target genes seem to inhibit
through cleavage mode by the identi ed miRNA and it
has multiple targets as shown in Table 3 and Fig. 4.
The predicted targets involves two transcription fac-
tors namely Homeobox leucine zipper family and GRAS
family of transcription factor. HD-ZIP (Homeobox-leu-
Vivek and Faisal Moossa
cine zipper protein) has homeodomain (HD) and linear
zipper motif present. This class of transcription factors is
unique to plants and are involved in plant growth and
development especially in response to abscisic acid, abi-
otic stress, shade avoidance and auxin signaling (Ariel
et al., 2007; Elhiti et al., 2009). GRAS proteins act as
transcription factors, a number of which have nuclear
localization signal for localization of several other pro-
teins (Tian et al., 2004). It has important functions in
GA (Gibberilic acid) and light signaling and regulation
of root patterning (Hirsch et al., 2009) .
We have found one of the target gene for Copia retro-
transposons. These retrotransposons are  anked by long
terminal repeats (LTRs) that certain promoter and down-
stream controls elements their internal domain usually
contains the genes required for reverse transcriptase,
integrase and gag (Wilhelm and Wilhelm.,2001). The
gene that had Copia like transposons has blast match
to gag pol protein from Glycine max and previous  nd-
ings support the existence of SIRI, a copia/Ty1-like
retrotransposon element encoding a retroviral enve-
lope like protein assumed to be originated from tomato
genome through horizontal gene transfer (Cheng et al.,
2009). Two of the target genes showed the exiatence of
protein kinase out of which one encodes the calcium/
calmodulin mediated kinase super subfamily and SNF1
kinase subfamily activated during ionic and non-ionic
omotic stress. As exempli ed, CDPKs (Calcium depend-
ent protein kinases) play major roles in development
for recycling transcription to hormone levels and are
known to function in abiotic stress response and ABA
signaling through phosphorylation activity(Ishida et al.,
2008; Mori et al., 2006). On the other hand, SnRK(SNF
kinases) are expressed in nucleus during seed devel-
opment and germination in Arabidopsis. Any altera-
tion in these protein induces gene expression change,
both, in the up-regulation of ABA repressive genes and
down-regulation of ABA inducible genes. The altera-
tion of gene expression leads to loss of dormancy and
growth defects during seed development (Nakashima et
al., 2009). The other kinase protein with adenine alpha
hydrolases phosphorylates proteins fuctions in response
to stress with probable interaction with serine/threonine
to ATP.
As in plants, for every 10,000 EST sequences is
expected to contain one miRNA (Zhang et al., 2006).
But, from our study, we propose that even 1000-2000
ESTs could be utilized to mine the conserved potential
miRNAs across the non-model crops. The  ndings from
this study indicate that coconut miRNA mir 2673 pos-
sibly targets both transcription factors and individual
speci c genes. Hence, the methodology adopted in this
research will enumerate the understanding of regulatory
miRNA in coconut in much rapid pace in near future.
The quest for potential miRNA is a highlighted research
routine in the  eld of transcriptomics. However, over the
recent years the miRNAs from non-model plants have
been explored using ESTs. In this research, attempts has
been made to screen miRNAs from 1008 ESTs reported
in C.nucifera by employing, EST based homology search
method, which resulted in one novel miRNA. Its putative
function of gene targets were also catalogued. The impact
of this study will be a starting point in understanding
the miRNA biogenesis and its structure in Cocos nucifera
and to explore repertoire of small RNAs that contribute
to different biological mechanisms of the plant system.
Since the genetic information is limited, the present in
silico approach will help to improve the miRNAome in
C.nucifera through further experimental validation.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Bioinformatics
Infrastructure Facility sponsored by Department of Bio-
technology, Government of India, New Delhi. They also
acknowledge the Head and Coordinator, Department of
Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Kerala.
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