Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 349-356 (2016)
Recent advancements in molecular detection of
species in aquatic animals: A review
N.Z. Amalina
and M.Y. Ina-Salwany
Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
*Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia
Vibriosis is one of a major problem in aquaculture sector causes by Vibrio species and gives bad impact on economy
and social development. In addition, number of the infected people with vibriosis is increasing every year through
consuming of contaminated  shes and other aquatic animals. To overcome this problem, researchers continuously
develop new methods for identi cation and detection of Vibrio species. Those methods can be categorized based on
the principle applied; conventional culture method, antigen-antibody based assay, nucleic acid ampli cation tech-
nology and lateral  ow dipstick. The conventional culture method is a basis in identi cation of Vibrio but it is time
consuming and requires skilled personnel. The nucleic acid ampli cation technology such as isothermal ampli cation
assay in a combination of lateral  ow dipstick is widely used since these assays offer rapid, easy to handle and high
sensitivity and speci city detection methods. This paper also reviews and describes the available application and
limitations of the studies involving Vibrio detection methods of aquaculture  eld. As a conclusion, the development
of new technologies is very important to improve the detection of Vibrio species as well as increasing the number of
food production to meet human demands.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 18
Aug, 2016
Accepted after revision 26
Sep, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Nowadays, aquaculture becomes an important food pro-
duction sector especially from  shes, molluscs, crusta-
ceans and other aquatic animals. According to FAO (2013),
128 million tons of  shes, molluscs and crustaceans were
provided for human food. The number of food produc-
tion will be increasing every year due to high demand for
food. In addition, aquaculture is a signi cant socio-eco-
nomic activity through employment, income generation,
Amalina and Ina-Salwany
domestic and international trade, and provide livelihoods
especially for rural communities (Edward et al., 2002).
Unfortunately, the diseases problem of aquaculture sec-
tor is increasing every years caused by bacteria, viruses,
fungi, parasites and other emerging pathogens (Adams
and Thompson, 2011). This problem also effects the eco-
nomic and social development worldwide.
Vibriosis is one of a major problem in aquaculture sector
and caused outbreaks of aquatic animal diseases. It leads to
signi cant mortality in aquatic animals, loss of food and
severe economic losses (Buller, 2014; Gauthier, 2015).
Besides, this bacterium can infect human through con-
sumption of raw or undercooked  sh and other aquatic
animals. Outbreaks of vibriosis have been reported world-
wide caused by Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus,
V. harveyi, V. anguillarum, V. vulni cus and other Vibrio
species in various countries, including United State, Can-
ada, China, Taiwan, India and Japan (Chiou et al., 2000;
Alam et al., 2003; Deepanjali et al., 2005; Xie et al., 2005;
CDC, 2013). Over 80 000 cases and 100 deaths caused by
vibriosis were reported in United State every year (Scal-
lan et al., 2011). According to CDC, the number of cases in
U.S. was increasing 75% in 2013 compared to 2006 until
2008 with majority of cases caused by V. parahaemolyti-
cus and V. vulni cus (FoodNet, 2014).
Vibrio is a gram negative bacterium from family
Vibrionaceae, rod shape and undergoes facultative anaer-
obic respiration. Naturally Vibrio found in estuarine,
marine environments, normal  ora of organisms and also
can be pathogenic (Wang et al., 2009; Haldar et al., 2011;
Chatterjee and Haldar, 2012). Usually, there are no speci c
symptoms of infection of vibriosis observed in marine
life. The symptoms are similar with other bacteria dis-
eases starting with lethargy and loss of appetite. The skin
becomes discolored, red and boil-like sores may appear
on the skin surface. As a disease progress, erythema or
bloody blotches can be found around the mouth and  ns.
The gut and rectum can be bloody and  lled with  uid if
an early treatment not be given (Wang et al., 2009). Thus,
all these symptoms are not proof of a vibriosis and require
a further isolation and identi cation of bacteria.
Therefore, culture method has been developed for the
identi cation of bacteria species in aquatic animal and
marine environment. The bacteria are allowed for multi-
plying in culture media under controlled laboratory con-
ditions and further identi ed using gram staining and
biochemical tests. However, this method is tedious, time
consuming and requires skilled personnel to pick right
colonies of a plate. In addition, culture method unable
to differentiate species levels due to similar morphol-
ogy such as V. cholerae, V. alginolyticus and V. uvialis
which appeared yellow color on agar plates (Oxoid, UK).
To overcome those limitations, the antigen-antibody
based assay was developed to test presence of speci c
antibody or antigen in aquatic samples. A speci c anti-
body is used for recognition of antigen from pathogenic
bacteria. Even though this assay is rapid and easy to
perform, but it is unable to differentiate Vibrio species
because they have same antigens (Chen et al., 1992).
The molecular approaches based on synthesis of nucleic
acid were developed for producing more sensitive and
speci c assays such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
real-time PCR, multiplex PCR, reverse-transcriptase
PCR, touchdown PCR and so on. However, those assays
required expensive thermocycler machine to amplify the
nucleic acid based on three different temperatures.
Thus, a novel isothermal ampli cation assay was
developed in early 1990s as an alternative to the PCR
assay. The ampli cation of nucleic acid can be performed
in a single temperature (isothermal condition) which mim-
ics in vivo synthesis of DNA. The isothermal ampli cation
assay can be performed without the need for a thermocy-
cling apparatus. In addition, the isothermal ampli cation
assays also more sensitive and speci c, rapid and easy to
perform. However, the detection and visualization of iso-
thermal products still requires conventional agarose gel
electrophoresis system. This agarose gel electrophoresis
is laborious, requires special equipment, time consum-
ing and must be operated by skilled personnel. Thus, an
alternative method, a lateral  ow dipstick is developed for
the detection of isothermal products. Based on previous
study, the lateral  ow dipstick is rapid (within  ve to ten
mins), easy to perform, does not require special equip-
ment and can be visualized using naked eyes (Wain and
Hosoglu, 2008; Mugasa et al., 2009).
Culture method is a gold standard for isolation of bac-
teria by using enrichment and selective medium. Basi-
cally, tryptic soy broth (TSB) is used to enrich amount of
Vibrio from samples. Vibrio can grow in different envi-
ronments due to its ability to live in saltwater, freshwa-
ter and living organisms. Vibrio grows well at pH 7 to 9,
from neutral to alkaline condition. It also able to grow
in high concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl) due to it
character halophilic. A sodium chloride (NaCl) is added
with the TSB when samples were collected from salt-
water. In laboratory, a halophilism test was performed
with different concentration of NaCl (0 to 10%) and V.
alginolyticus requires at least 3% NaCl and can tolerate
until 10% NaCl for growth (Gomathi et al., 2013).
Thiosulfate citrate bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar is a
common selective media used for isolation of Vibrio spe-
cies (Jones et al., 2012). In order to perform a bacteria
culture on the agar plate requires a lot of time to allow
optimum growth of bacteria colonies. For example, bac-
Amalina and Ina-Salwany
teria are incubated at 30
C for 16-24 hours when isolated
from environmental samples, while bacteria are incubated
at 35
C for 24 hours when isolated from other samples
(Oxoid, UK). Typical colonies of Vibrio can be varying in
terms of size and color of colonies (showed in Table 1).
The biochemical pro le of Vibrio species can be deter-
mined using API 20E diagnostic strip (bioMerieux, Durham,
NC). The API 20E test strip has 20 miniature biochemical
tests of different medium; Citrate (CIT), Voges-Proskauer
(VP), Urease (URE), hydrogen sul de (H
S), amino acid
decarboxylations (ADH), gelatin hydrolysis (GEL) and oth-
ers. Bacteria are mixed with two percents of NaCl as the
suspension solution, added to the API strip and incubated
at 37
C for 18-24 hours. After that, changes of the color
reaction were read and converted to a seven digit code
known as Analytical Pro le Index (API). The codes are
matched with the manufacturer’s database and give the
bacteria identi cation as a genus and species. According
to Jones (2012), API 20E test was able to identi ed 41.8%
of V. parahaemolyticus from oysters isolates and 54.6% of
V. parahaemolyticus from clinical isolates. The API codes
were misidenti ed several bacteria isolate such as V. vul-
ni cus, Aeromonas hydrophila, V.  uvialis, V.cholerae and
V. mimicus (Jones et al., 2012).
However, these conventional methods have disad-
vantages such as less speci c, tedious, require skilled
personnel and cannot differentiate between Vibrio spe-
cies, especially V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus
which are biochemically similar (Mustapha et al., 2013).
Vibrio species possesses three antigenic components;
heat-labile K-antigen (capsular polysaccharide), heat-
stable somatic O-antigen (lipopolysaccharide) and
H-antigen ( agellar). Those antigenic components of
Vibrio can be determined via agglutination tests where
the bacteria culture are reacted with speci c antiserum
to formed clumps or agglutinate particles. To determine
the O-antigens, the bacteria should be heated at boiling
temperature for one to two hours. This step is impor-
tant to removed K-antigen from Vibrio since K-antigen
masked the O-antigen.
The Mono-aqua test kit (BIONOR, Tamar Laboratory
Supplies Ltd., Israel) is a commercial agglutination tests
for rapid preliminaries screening of pathogens such as
V. anguillarum and V. salmonicida. The principle used is
a mono-disperse particles coated with speci c antibod-
ies will be reacted with  sh pathogenic bacteria (antigen)
and form a visible granular particle agglutination pattern.
This kit is rapid (can be performed in 30 minutes) and
inexpensive. However, the samples have to be cultured
overnight before testing and make this test tedious and
time consuming (Romalde et al., 1995). Also, Vibrio spe-
cies are serologically identical based on a study reported
that most of the Vibrio species share H-antigen at 52-kDa
protein including V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus,
V. anguillarum and V. ordalii (Chen et al., 1992).
An aqua-rapid and aqua-EIA test kits were devel-
oped as a modi cation of previous kit based on Enzyme
Immunoassay (EIA) principle. EIA is also known as
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), combina-
tion of the antibody binding with certain enzyme for
the detection and quanti cation of antigen (pathogenic
bacteria) (Lequin, 2005). By using the EIA principle, both
kits can be used for direct identi cation of  sh patho-
gens without needs of culture. Thus, these kits are rapid,
easy to performed and suitable to be used at farm site.
The aquaEIA test kit is using semiautomated system,
while aqua-rapid using manual system.
The dot immunoassay method is one of the antigen-
antibody based assay that has been used to detect V.
alginolyticus and A. hydrophila isolated from shrimps
and  shes. The bacteria culture is diluted before spot-
ted onto the nitrocellulose paper and allow reacting
with antiserum raised against V. alginolyticus and A.
hydrophila. Even though this method is simple, but it
is less speci c due to cross-reaction of V. alginolyticus
antiserum with V. parahaemolyticus, V. harveyi and V.
anguillarum (Mishra, 1998).
Molecular diagnostics involving nucleic acid ampli ca-
tion is the most common methods used for the detec-
tion and identi cation of infectious diseases. Polymer-
Table 1: Typical morphology of Vibrio colonies on TCBS agar
Organisms Size of colonies Color of colonies
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 3-5 mm diameter Blue colonies with green centers
Vibrio alginolyticus 3-5 mm diameter Yellow
Vibrio cholera 2-3 mm diameter Yellow and  at colonies
Vibrio vulni cus/ Vibrio mimicus 2-3 mm diameter Blue green
Vibrio harveyi 2-3 mm diameter Gray to bluish green colonies
Vibrio  uvialis 2-3 mm diameter Yellow
Amalina and Ina-Salwany
ase chain reaction (PCR) is a main technique used for
nucleic acid ampli cation. PCR provides a rapid, high
sensitivity and speci city compared to the conventional
culture methods for differentiation and identi cation of
species. It is also able to identify housekeeping genes
and different virulence genes among Vibrio species. In
addition, the PCR assay is able to simultaneous detec-
tion of multiple pathogens in a single reaction known
as multiplex PCR assay. The PCR assay is based on the
ampli cation of nucleic acids using speci c primer and
DNA polymerase at three different temperatures; dena-
turation, annealing and extension that repeated in a
number of cycles until certain amount of DNA obtained.
Thus, the PCR assay requires a thermal cycler to com-
plete the ampli cation process.
Researchers were performed extensive studies using
PCR assay for the identi cation and differentiation of
Vibrio infected  shes, molluscs, crustaceans and other
aquatic animals. Various genes were used in design-
ing primers for speci c ampli cation of target gene of
Vibrio. A 16S rRNA gene is highly conserved among
bacteria species based on hyper variable region that
contains similar species-speci c sequence which is use-
ful for bacteria identi cation. In 2006, Bramhachari and
Duey developed a PCR for detection of V. harveyi using
16S rRNA. Kim and Jeong (2001) was developing a PCR
targeting the same 16S rRNA gene to identify patho-
genic V. vulni cus in marine environments. Similarly,
Yong in 2006 targeted gene for identi cation of bacteria
from aquaculture systems.
A toxR gene is a virulence gene encodes for regula-
tory gene of toxin operon. A PCR for detection of V. har-
veyi targeting toxR gene was successfully developed with
100% speci city (Conejero and Hedreyda, 2003). In 2016,
the toxR gene is found to be more speci c compared to the
gyrB gene in identi cation of V. parahaemolyticus in  sh
and coastal environment in Jordan (Alaboudi et al., 2016).
GyrB gene is encodes for the B subunit protein of DNA
gyrase (topoisomerase type II). Previous study was found
the degree of homology of toxR gene between V. para-
haemolyticus and V. cholerae was 52% (Kim et al., 1999).
Other virulent genes used for identi cation of Vibrio
species were thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), thermo-
labile hemolysin (tlh) and thermostable direct hemolysin-
related hemolysin (trh) (Jones, 2012). Mohammed and
Jerjees (2015) proved that the 12% and four percents of
V. parahaemolyticus isolated from fresh shrimp have the
tdh and trh genes, respectively. Other study revealed the
tdh and trh genes were 98% homology between V. algi-
nolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus isolated from shrimp
(Gargouti et al., 2015). In 2016, Li and his friends found
a unique gene for V. parahaemolyticus, bla
which has the lowest degree of similarity (78% homology)
with V. alginolyticus compared with other virulence genes
such as tlh (85%), atpA (97%) and toxR (86%) genes. The
PCR assay targeting for bla
gene was produced
100% sensitivity and speci city (Li et al., 2016).
A multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay was used for simul-
taneous detection of more than one Vibrio species in a
single test. Xie (2005) was developing the mPCR assay
for detection of seven virulence genes targeted for V.
parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus from shrimp,  sh
and seawater in Guangdong Coast, China (tlh, trh, tdh,
toxR, toxRS, ctxA and VPI). This study found that the V.
alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and V. cholerae pos-
sess homology using toxR, tlh and VPI genes. In 2011,
Izumiya was developed a highly sensitive and speci c
mPCR assay for the detection of V. cholerae, V. para-
haemolyticus and V. vulni cus from seawater sample
using dnaJ gene. Similarly, Xu in 2014 was targeted
dnaJ gene for detection of  ve Vibrio species; V. para-
haemolyticus, V. vulni cus, V. alginolyticus, V. cholerae
and V. mimicus from seafood samples.
In addition, the 16S rRNA gene was included in the
mPCR assay as a Vibrio species control to avoid any doubt
regarding target of V. parahaemolyticus, V. mimicus, V.
vulni cus and V. cholerae from shrimp and crab samples
(Amin and Salem, 2012). The 16S rRNA gene also used
as an internal ampli cation control (IAC) in the mPCR
assay targeting V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V.
vulni cus and V. cholerae (Wei et al., 2014). The inter-
nal ampli cation control is a mandatory for diagnostic
using PCR assay. IAC is used for validation of negative
result whether it is truly negative or due to malfunction
of thermal cycler, incorrect PCR mixture or presence of
inhibitory substances in the sample (Hoorfar et al., 2003).
Based on previous studies, the PCR assay is highly
sensitive and speci c, able to simultaneous detection of
many pathogens in a single tube and successful detect
Vibrio species. However, this assay requires expensive
equipment, time consuming and requires trained per-
sonnel. Based on the WHO guidelines, a develop diag-
nostic device must be affordable, sensitive, speci c, user
friendly, rapid and robust, equipment free and deliverable
to end used (ASSURED) (Mabey et al., 2004). Thus, an
alternative platform known as isothermal ampli cation
assay was developed in order to ful ll this guideline.
Isothermal ampli cation techniques have been devel-
oped since early 1990s as an alternative to the poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) assay. This technique is
used to amplify DNA, RNA, cells and proteins. The iso-
thermal ampli cation assay can be performed at one
temperature rather than the PCR assay which required
three different temperatures (Notomi et al., 2000; Chow
Amalina and Ina-Salwany
et al., 2008; Fang et al., 2010). Therefore, the isother-
mal ampli cation can be performed using simple heat-
ing devices (e.g., water bath or heating block) without
the need of thermocycling apparatus. In addition, the
isothermal product can be directly visualized by naked
eyes on the form of turbidity or  uorescence, eliminat-
ing the need for electrophoresis system as used in the
PCR assay. Thus, the isothermal ampli cation are rapid,
user friendly, high sensitivity and speci city and can be
performed without expensive equipment.
Nowadays, several types of isothermal ampli ca-
tion technique were developed for the detection of
pathogenic bacteria such as loop-mediated ampli ca-
tion (LAMP), nucleic acid sequence-based ampli ca-
tion (NASBA), strand displacement ampli cation (SDA),
helicase dependent ampli cation (HDA), rolling circle
ampli cation (RCA) and transcription mediated ampli-
cation (TMA) assays (Compton, 1991; Walker et al.,
1992; Fire and Xu, 1995; Notomi et al., 2000; Vincent et
al., 2004). Each isothermal assay had their own mecha-
nisms to promote a next cycle of DNA synthesis. Differ
with the PCR assay that used heat denaturation of double
stranded DNA to initiate next cycles of DNA synthesis;
the isothermal assays use various accessory proteins to
open the double stranded DNA (Gill and Ghaemi 2008).
Loop-mediated ampli cation (LAMP) assay is the
most popular isothermal ampli cation technique used in
aquaculture  eld. LAMP assay was developed by Notomi
et al. (2000) for the identi cation of Hepatitis B virus.
This assay was designed based on four to six primers to
recognize six or eight distinct sequences on the template
DNA. The nucleic acid is extended by the Bst polymerase
to synthesis new DNA strands. The entire LAMP reac-
tion can be performed in simple heating devices at 60 to
C for less than one hour. The ampli ed products will
be mixture of stem-loop DNAs with various length and
cauli ower-like structures with multiple loops (Notomi
et al., 2000; Mori and Notomi, 2009). The products can
be identi ed by using agarose gel electrophoresis (pro-
duced multiple bands of different sizes from ~300bp),
restriction enzyme digestion (such as BamHI, HindIII
and others to produce two different bands) and South-
ern blot hybridization. Also, the LAMP products can be
observed by naked eyes through usage of magnesium
pyrophosphate, calcein, SYBR Green or other  uores-
cence dye (Prompamorn et al., 2011).
LAMP assay has been developed for the detection of
Vibrio species such as V. alginolyticus, V. harveyi and
V. parahaemolyticus from aquatic animals and environ-
ment (Cai et al., 2010, Di et al., 2015). The LAMP assay
was developed for the detection of V. alginolyticus in
mariculture  sh using gyrB gene and it is ten-fold more
sensitive than PCR assay (Cai et al., 2010). In addition,
several studies revealed that the LAMP assay is supe-
rior to the PCR assay and conventional culture method
for the detection of V. parahaemolyticus from environ-
mental samples (Di et al., 2015; Kongrueng et al., 2015;
Malcolm et al., 2015). A universal LAMP primer from
conserved region of 16S rRNA was designed as a Vibrio
species control and result showed the LAMP assay 100
times more sensitive than PCR assay with 100% speci c-
ity (Xu et al., 2012).
In addition, a multiplex LAMP (mLAMP) assay is
developed for simultaneous detection of two or more
Vibrio species by amplifying their DNA in a single tube.
Two or more sets of each of the four LAMP primers with
total eight or more primers are used in the same reac-
tion mixture (Biswas et al., 2014). A study on a multiplex
LAMP was done for the detection of V. harveyi, V. anguil-
larum and V. alginolyticus from Japanese  ounder, shark,
seabass and shrimp (Yu et al., 2013). Three sets of four
species-speci c primers were designed and performed in
a single reaction. This assay showed 10
to 10
times more
sensitive than the traditional PCR assay. However, in the
detection of mLAMP products, the agarose gel electro-
phoreis was used followed with sequencing or further
con rmation of species among these three Vibrios. This
detection methods are tedious, time consuming, expen-
sive and requires electrophoresis equipments.
Even though LAMP assay offers a rapid, high sen-
sitivity and speci city and user friendly, but it has a
complicated primer design especially for new users. As
we know, LAMP assay requires more than one set of
primers that target six or eight regions within a target
DNA (Notomi et al., 2000). Sometimes, the termination
step is required to stop the LAMP reaction by heating at
C for two to ten minutes (Biswas et al., 2014). Instead
of the LAMP assay, the simplest reaction HDA assay can
be used since it requires one set of primers and requires
reaction buffer and enzyme mix similar to the PCR assay
(Vincent et al., 2004). Moreover, this assay can be per-
formed at 60 to 65
C for less than one hour. However in
aquaculture  eld, there is no publication found regard-
ing the detection of Vibrio species using HDA assay.
Nowadays, many publications in aquaculture  eld
focused on the detection of Vibrio species by LAMP assay
combined with lateral  ow dipstick (LFD). Lateral  ow
dipstick is used as an alternative detection method to the
agarose gel electrophoresis, turbidity,  uorescence and
restriction enzyme digestion. LFD detection method is a
rapid, user-friendly, and easy to perform, highly sensitive
and speci c and stable at room temperature (Posthuma-
Trumpie et al., 2009). Also, it is able to detect multiple
pathogenic bacteria simultaneously in one strip. Thus, a
Amalina and Ina-Salwany
multiplex LAMP can be developed and detected via lat-
eral  ow dipstick. LFD is known as oligochromatography
lateral  ow or immunochromatographic test (Brandonisio
et al., 2002). It is based on the chromatography technique
where the reagents were immobilized on the nitrocel-
lulose strip and reactivated using sample/ampli cation
product for the detection of amplicon.
LAMP assay combined with LFD was developed for
the detection of V. alginolyticus targeting rpoX gene
(Plaon et al., 2015). The biotin-labeled LAMP product
was ampli ed at 60
C for one hour and hybridized with
a  uorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled probe and
result was visualized within  ve minutes. Result showed
that the LAMP-LFD was ten times less sensitive in detec-
tion of V. alginolyticus with 100% sensitivity and spec-
i city (Plaon et al., 2015). In 2010, Prompamorn was
developed the LAMP-LFD for the detection of V. para-
haemolyticus from shrimp samples. The LAMP ampli -
cation was performed at 65
C for 90 mins using primers
labeled with biotin. The biotinylated LAMP amplicons
were then hybridized with a FITC-labeled probe and
detected via LFD for  ve mins. Result showed the detec-
tion limit of the LAMP-LFD was 1.8 X 10
is ten times more sensitive than PCR assay.
Surasilp (2011) was developed LAMP combined with
LFD for the detection of V. vulni cus targeting RNA
polymerase subunit sigma factor S (rpoS) gene. The
LAMP-LFD was able to detect 1.5 X 10
CFU ml
of V.
vulni cus from pure culture and also has 100% sensitiv-
ity and speci city. Other study showed the LAMP-LFD
is successfully developed for the detection of V. harveyi
from black tiger shrimp, green mussel and bloody clam
(Thongkao et al., 2013). The ampli cation was performed
for 60 mins to produce biotinylated-LAMP products and
hybridize with FITC-labeled DNA probe and detected via
LFD for  ve to ten mins. Result showed that the LAMP-
LFD is ten times more sensitive than PCR assay in the
detection of V. harveyi from shrimp samples.
The combination of LAMP assay and lateral  ow dip-
stick for the detection of vibriosis offers several advantages
such as rapid (30 min to one hour), highly sensitive and
speci c, equipment free and deliverable to end user. Thus,
a multiplex LAMP combine with LFD can be a potential
diagnostic test for simultaneously detection of Vibrio spe-
cies from  sh, mollusks and other aquatic animals.
In conclusion, the isothermal ampli cation assay espe-
cially LAMP is capable for the detection of Vibrio spe-
cies. The simplicity of lateral  ow dipstick and LAMP
assay offer great potentials for the development of
nucleic acid diagnostic devices that could be used to
detect vibriosis at point-of-care or in the  eld.
This work (LAMP development) was supported by the
grants provided by Ministry of Higher Institution via
Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE) under
Vote No: 6369100.
Adams, A. and Thompson, K.D. (2011) Development of diag-
nostics for aquaculture: challenges and opportunities. Aqua-
culture Research. Vol. 42 Pages 93-102.
Alaboudi, A.R., Ababneh, M., Osaili, T.M. and Shloul, K.A.
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