Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 371-381 (2016)
Invasive fungal infections in critically-ill patients: A
literature review and position statement from the
IFI-clinical forum, Shiraz, Iran
Farid Zand
, Mohsen Moghaddami
, Mohammad Ali Davarpanah
, Mansoor Masjedi
, Reza
, Ali Amanati
, Mohammad Afarid
, Leila Nafarieh
and Mohammad Nami
Shiraz Anesthesiology and Critical Care Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
HIV/AIDS Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,Shiraz, Iran
Department of Pediatrics, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Behestan Medical Scienti c Committee, Behestan Group, Tehran, Iran
Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technologies, Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
The list of collaborators and consultants at IFI-CF, Shiraz, can be found in the appendix at the end of this report.
Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) have increasingly been recognized as a serious clinical concern in critically-ill
patients admitted to the intensive care units (ICUs). The most abundant pathogens in this population are Candida
species. As such, a clear understanding on the epidemiology of this infection seems to be a key step in providing
appropriate treatment. Expert input forums are among the practical approaches to de ne locally-adapted clinical-
pathways with regard to debated medical perspectives. To agree upon a shared approach towards IFI management
in ICU, an interdisciplinary panel of experts from infectious diseases and intensive care  elds met up in Shiraz on
28 November 2015 within the IFI-Clinical Forum (IFI-CF).This clinical forum aimed to view the available evidence,
taking into consideration the recent practice guidelines on IFIs management in the ICU to arrive at an agreed posi-
tion in current clinical practice. The aim of this summary is to discuss IFIs in ICU from epidemiology, the range of
pathophysiology from colonization to the invasive infections, risk prediction, diagnosis and treatment perspectives.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 20
July, 2016
Accepted after revision 31
Aug, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
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Farid Zand et al.
With all the advancing medical care over the past
decade, an increasing number immune-compromised
patients have received in-hospital care and critically-
ill patients have often experienced prolonged hospital
stays. This might have potentially contributed to the
development of invasive fungal infections (IFIs) result-
ing in a nearly  ve-fold increase in the incidence of
such a clinical challenge in the past 10 years mainly in
critical care setting(Elhou et al., 2014; Lepak & Andes,
2011; Montagna et al., 2013). Despite all improved diag-
nostic methods, timely and speci c diagnosis of IFIs
in the ICUhas remained an uphillchallenge (Ahmadi et
al., 2014; Avcu et al., 2016; He et al., 2015; Liu et al.,
2015; Shi et al., 2015; Solmaz et al., 2016; Ullmann et
al., 2012; Wu et al., 2016).
The reason for high mortality and morbidity of IFIs
is at least two-fold. Firstly, the clinicians defer early
empirical interventions as they may fail to consider IFIs
and their possible outcome, and secondly, the etiology
of infection is almost never adequately-established in
time (Kollef, Micek, Hampton, Doherty, & Kumar, 2012;
Pfaller & Diekema, 2007). To lessen such a burden, a
clinical guidance on how to suspect, diagnose and treat
IFIs and mainly invasive candidiasis (IC), which is the
most frequent case in critical care setting need to be
drawn and adapted for local practice.Toward the above,
eld experts from infectious diseases and intensive
care disciplines in Shiraz, Iran, attended a round-table
discussion on 28 November 2015 to review and dis-
cuss updated epidemiologic insights on IC in ICU, the
related diagnostic challenges, therapeutic approaches
and proper antifungal options in ICU-admitted patients
suspected for or diagnosed with IC.
Nosocomial fungal infections comprise around 15% of
healthcare related infections among which Candida fol-
lowed by Aspergillus species are found to be key culprits
in invasive fungal infections (Montagna et al., 2013;
Pfaller & Diekema, 2007). On the other hand, resist-
ance to antifungal agents is an alarming sign for the
emerging common nosocomial fungal infections (Badiee
& Alborzi, 2011). According to an elegant prospective
point-prevalence investigation, Candida was regarded
as the third most common cause accounting for nearly
2% of all infections (Leon et al., 2016; Timsit, Chemam,
& Bailly, 2015; Vincent et al., 2009). Moreover, a Euro-
pean cross-sectional survey revealed thatup to 30%
of all candidemias take place in ICUs(Marchetti et al.,
2004). ICU-admitted patients are shown to be  ve to ten
times more endangered for IC thanpatients in medical
or surgical wards. Based on recent reports from North
America, candida species are among the most common
documented pathogens in blood cultures responsible
forup to 10% of all bloodstream infections. Other studies
from European ICUs have also con rmed candida to be
among top tenestablished pathogens giving rise to3-5%
of bloodstream infections( Mean, et al., 2008, Chen et
al., 2015; Kautzky, Staudinger, & Presterl, 2015) .
Based on the available evidence, IC subjects to high
mortality rate ranging between 40 to 60% (Falagas, Apos-
tolou, & Pappas, 2006; Guery et al., 2009; Leroy et al.,
2009), and the mortality may reach 100% under certain
conditions (Kollef et al., 2012). The face of candida epi-
demiology has transformed over the past two decades.
Though candida albicans used to be known as the domi-
nant pathogen resulting in up to 60% of the infections,
the prevalence of non-albicans species (including include
C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis)
has been on the rise lately to comprise over 50% of the
infections (Arendrup, 2010; Deorukhkar & Saini, 2016).
In an Iranian study in which 107 clinical isolates
(each from one high-risk patient) were evaluated non-
albicans candida species were isolated from almost 70%
of IC cases. The most frequently isolated species was C.
glabrata (47.7%), followed by C. tropicalis (15%) and C.
krusei (6.5%) (Zaini, Kordbacheh, Mahmoudi, Safara, &
Shekari, 2012). In another investigation on 855 yeast
strains from different clinical specimen in Iran, over
40% of all isolated turned to be non-albicans species
(Mohammadi et al., 2013). These  ndings are of sig-
ni cant clinical relevance since non-albicans candida
species are generally found to be  uconazole-resistant.
Taking into consideration that  uconazole is the most
widely used antifungal agent against candida infection,
evidence-based decision-making on choosing the proper
treatment option in IC among ICU patients needs to be
In a local epidemiological study of fungal infections
from Shiraz, followed by C. albicans; C. kruzei (16.1%),
C. glabrata (13.5%), C. kefyr (7.4%), C. parapsilosis
(4.8%), C. tropicalis (1.7%) and other species (8.5%) were
found to collectively be responsible for over 50% of can-
dida infections. Resistance varied based of the isolates
and the corresponding antifungal agent among which
the lowest MIC90 (mean inhibitory concentration-90)
for non-albicans candida isolates was observed with
caspofungin (0.5 μg/ml)(Badiee & Alborzi, 2011).
Colonization with various candida species which are
among normal  ora is not risky among healthy sub-
jects, whereas candida species subject to dissemination
Farid Zand et al.
and over growth up on extended-spectrum prolonged
antibiotic therapy, burn injury, diabetes mellitus, neu-
tropenia and immuno supression. Such a context may
progressively result in disseminated candida infection/
candidemia known as IC. The condition, though not nec-
essarily, tends to progress in cases with severe sepsis or
septic shock, those who have undergone major surgeries,
receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and are found
to have multifocal candida colonization. A fundamental
clinical issue is to identify which category of patients
are at increased risk for IC (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Gong
et al., 2016; Hawkshead, Van Dyke, Hassig, Webber, &
Begue, 2016; Lau et al., 2015; Liao et al., 2015; Pu et al.,
2015; Rajendran et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2016).
Candida colonization may consequently turn into
IC following critical illness. In the case of ICU-admit-
ted patients, while only around 10% of cases tend to
be colonized with candida, this would be documented
in up to 80% of the cases during their prolonged ICU
stay, among which as many as 30% of such patients
may develop IC (Leon, Ostrosky-Zeichner, & Schuster,
2014). In patients who stay more than seven days in
the ICU, the incidence of multifocal colonization (which
is reported as an independent risk factor of IC) is dra-
matically increased (Kautzky et al., 2015). Research has
referred to stomach (45.6%), oropharyngeal samples
(34.3%), the trachea (23.4%), perirectal region (21.2%)
and the urinary tract (18.7%) as the most frequent foci
for candida colonization among ICU-admitted patients.
In addition, the relative risk of ICis shown to be notably
increasedonce fecal (7.5% vs. 3.2%, p=0.019) or urine
samples (9.2% vs. 5.2%, p=0.032) turn to be positive
for candida. ICU-admitted patients are then suggestedto
be biweekly screened (feces, urine, tracheal aspirate) to
identify their potential risk for IC (Leon, Alvarez-Lerma,
et al., 2009; Magill et al., 2006; Mardani et al., 2011).In
the event of at least three consecutive positive samples
in two or more occasions; multifocal colonization, as an
independent risk of IC, needs to be considered (Gong et
al., 2016; Hawkshead et al., 2016; Pittet, Monod, Suter,
Frenk, & Auckenthaler, 1994; Rajendran et al., 2016;
Sun et al., 2016).
Due to the higher rate of mortality, catheter-related
candidemia needs to be differentiated from primer or
intra-abdominal candidiasis-related candidemia. Cath-
eter-related candidemia is con rmed once the same
candida species are detected both in the catheter and
peripheral blood samples.Such infection is known to
predominantly occur through the exogenous path related
tocolonization in patient’s skin and the healthcare work-
ers’ hands (Leon et al., 2014).
Depending on cultures, clinical picture and the
patient’s risk pro le, the diagnosis of IFI is generally
categorized into proven, probable or possible(De Pauw
et al., 2008; Moghadami et al., 2013). Proven IFI refers
to positive culture result oronce histologycon rmsthe
presence of proliferous fungiin blood or other infected
specimens. On the other hand, probable or possible IFIs
are considered incritically-ill, neutropenic or non- neu-
tropenic patients with extended ICU stay, multifocal
colonization, sepsis or septic shock who are either posi-
tive (probable) or negative (possible) for known serum
biomarkersincluding (1,3)-b-D-Glucan (BDG) or mannan
antigen and anti-mannan antibody or polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) (Elhou et al., 2014).
Though many optionsare suggested for diagnosis, none
seems to be  awlesson its own. The diagnostic tools
ranging from different scoring or risk-predictionmodels,
to advanced laboratory measures need to be combined
since IC often tend to occur with no candidemia. As
such, the empirical antifungal therapy adapted based on
patients’ risk pro le is now believed to playa key part in
treating IC (Elhou et al., 2014; Hsu, Nguyen, Nguyen,
Law, & Wong-Beringer, 2010; Martinez-Jimenez et al.,
Multiple colonization, broad spectrum antibiotic therapy,
total parenteral nutrition, dialysis, APACHE II (Acute
Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) score of
> 20 points, central venous catheters (CVC), candiduria>
105cfu/ml and multiple transfusion are considered as
some key risk factors for IC. On the other hand, some
non-speci c risk factors for IC include age>65 years,
diabetes mellitus, renal failure, surgical intervention,
Foley catheters, catheters inserted to vessels and long
ICU stay i.e. > 7 days (Elhou et al., 2014).
Colonization index is known to play a prominent role in
the development of IC. According to Pittet et al (Pittet et
al., 1994), over one third of severely-colonized patients
were found to develop documented candidiasis (p<0.01).
The cut-off of>0.5 could then predictIC one weekprior
tofungal cultures. Severalfuture investigation con rmed
the above  ndings (Caggiano et al., 2011; Calandra,
Roberts, Antonelli, Bassetti, & Vincent, 2016; Eggimann,
Bille, & Marchetti, 2011). Based on the validation studies
the positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive
value (NPV), sensitivity and speci city of the coloni-
zation index are reported 66%, 100%, 64% and 69.7%,
respectively(Eggimann, Que, Revelly, & Pagani, 2015;
Farid Zand et al.
Kautzky et al., 2015; Leon et al., 2014; Posteraro et al.,
The extent of colonizationcan be determined through-
periodic samples obtained from various site including,
cutaneous  exure regions, nose, throat, endotracheal
tube aspirate,feces and urine. Patients endangeredfor
IC are advised to be biweekly screened for coloniza-
tion. Colonization index is a ratio of non-sterile region
samples to total number of samples.When colonization
index is above 0.5 empiric antifungal therapy needs to
be considered (Figure 1).
Candida Score which was proposed 10 years ago by Leon
et al,is in fact an upgraded form of the Colonization
Index(Leon et al., 2006). This risk prediction model was
validated through alarge prospective cohort in which
6%developed IC. According to the  ndings of Leon et
al, surgery, multifocal colonization and severe sepsis
acquired the odd ratios (OR) of 2.71 [95% con dence
interval (Cl): 1.45-5.06], 3.04 [95% CI: 1.45-6.39] and
7.68 [95% CI: 4.14-14.22] to predictIC. As such, each
predictive factor received one point in candida score,
except for severe sepsis which received 2 points. A
Candida score of 2.5 points and more could thenpre-
dict IC with a sensitivity, speci city, NPV and PPV of
81%, 74%, 98% and 16%, respectively. The clinical rel-
evance and adaptability of Candida score was validated
in several subsequent reports (Leon, Ruiz-Santana, et al.,
2009; Tissot et al., 2013) (Figure 1).
This risk-prediction model was designed to distin-
guishICU admitted patients who potentially require anti-
fungal prophylaxis. The extended ICU stay was found to
strongly predict the risk for ICU in a study on surgical
ICU admitted patients (Paphitou, Ostrosky-Zeichner, &
Rex, 2005). This study similarly indicated that diabe-
tes mellitus, required acute haemodialysis, total paren-
teral nutrition or broad spectrum antibiotic therapy are
other de ning risk factors for the development of IC. IC
was signi cantly higher in high-risk group compared to
those without the aforementioned risk factors (16.6% vs.
5.5%, p=0.001). In fact, over three quarters of patients
who went todevelop candidemia or IC were recognized
by this method. Subsequent studies con rmed these
results(Ahmed, et al., 2014; Yapar, 2014, Aitken et al.,
2014; Lau et al., 2015; Liao et al., 2015; Gong et al.,
FIGURE 1. The concurred approach for optimal antifungal therapy against IC in non-neutropenic adult
patients. When culture results become available, based on the reported isolates and sensitivity tests, the
treatment is either continued to complete 14 days from the  rst negative culture or de-escalated/switched
to another agent from a different antifungal class. A more comprehensive clinical pathway for the same
can be followed in (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Elhou et al., 2014). ICU: Intensive Care Unit, CVC: Central
Venous Catheter, TPN: Total Parenteral Nutrition.
Farid Zand et al.
Fungal cultures become positive relatively late (Morris,
Byrne, Madden, & Reller, 1996) and are often inadequate
to diagnose deep-seated candida infections. On the other
hand, performing tissue biopsies and obtaining body  u-
ids are invasive and/or clinically impractical making them
not readily accessible in routine practice (Eggimann et
al., 2011). This necessitates development of other sensitive
and practical diagnostic methods with high sensitivity
to possibly enable timely recognition of IC. Examples of
such methods include identifying cell-wall components,
circulating fungal DNA, antigens and antibodies.
Studies have substantiated that 1,3-b-D-Glucan (BDG) is
an early biomarker of many fungal infections including
candidiasis and aspergillosis (Ellis et al., 2008, Azoulay
et al., 2016; Nucci et al., 2016; Posteraro et al., 2016).
Based on multicenter investigations, the cut-off value
of 80 pg/ml is con rmed tosuggestIC with good sen-
sitivity and speci city except for candida parapsilosis
(Pickering, Sant, Bowles, Roberts, & Woods, 2005). This
auxiliary biomarker test reveals positive results 7-10
days prior to the established clinical diagnosis of fungal
infections. Cumulative evidence has proposed BDG as an
acceptable indicator of fungal infections and a reliable
biomarker to start preemptive anti-fungal therapy based
upon. While evidence has con rmed the correlation
between BDG levels, clinical outcome and the treatment
response (Takesue et al., 2004), complexity of the test
and the applied cost hinder its wide availability. Some
other downsides of this test include false positive results,
mainly upon early days of ICU admission, and particu-
larlyfollowing surgical interventions, immunglobulin
or extended-spectrum antibiotic therapy. Though data
on the kinetics of BDG are relatively scant,some reports
have related the decreased BDG serum levels to thera-
peutic success (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Takesue et al., 2004;
Tissot et al., 2013).
In case this correlation is further con rmed by clini-
cal investigations, BDG may possibly be considered as a
tool in assessing response to antifungal therapy. While
the test is shown to trace BDG levels even in other body
uids including cerebro-spinal and peritoneal uids as
well as bronchoalveolar secretions (Lyons et al., 2015;
Mutschlechner et al., 2015), it needs to be validated for
extended clinical use. Lately, the European Society of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMD),
the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), and the
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM),
have included BDG testing in their recommendations
based on the existing level-II evidence (Elhou et al.,
2014; Hope et al., 2012; Ullmann et al., 2012).
Mannan antigen and anti-mannan antibody
In case of invasive candidiasis, mannan, as a component
of candida cell wall, circulates in the bloodstream. In
practice, a range of immunoassay-based and latex agglu-
tination methods are usedto detect mannan (Schuetz,
2013). The combined detection of mannan antigen and
anti-mannan antibody is known to yield a better sen-
sitivity. Based on a recent meta-analysis, the sensitiv-
ity and speci city ofmannan antigen and anti-mannan
antibody tests were (58%, 93%) and (59%, 83%), respec-
tively. Furthermore, the sensitivity and speci city of the
combined test is shown to be improved (83% and 86%,
respectively) for C. albicans, C. glabrata and C. tropica-
lis infections, when these investigations were combined
(Mikulska et al., 2010). Despite the existing body of evi-
dence, further investigations (examining homogeneous
patient groups with IFIs) are deemed necessary to sub-
stantiate the positive and negative predictive values of
the test and de ne the its role in routine practice.
Detection of Candida nucleic acids by PCR
Despite the potentially informative nature of fungal
DNA detection in the practice of clinical mycology, the
DNA disengagement secondary to human cell-lysis as
well as the contamination from other saprophytic or
pathogen fungi may lead to its false positive results.
This makes the test challenging. Nevertheless, studies
have demonstrated that PCR is appropriate for timely
detection of candidemia and the detection of organic
fragments of the multicopy gene. The test is also shown
to detect non-viable organisms quicker than the culture
where different platforms and target genes (other than
blood samples) are investigated during the test (Avni,
Leibovici, & Paul, 2011).
A recent meta-analysis has reported favorable over-
all sensitivity and speci city (95% and 92%) of PCR in
detecting IC. This elegant report included 54 studies and
4894 patients among which 963 had proven, probable
or possible IC (Avni et al., 2011).Despite the above, direct
molecular detection of candida is not yet considered as
a standard method and until validation for routine clini-
cal use, the position of pan-fungal PCR test or further
molecular methods in early detection of ICremainsin-
de nite.
The culture-base diagnosis of IFIs are recognized as
the gold standard(Ahmadi et al., 2014). Based on the
evidence, the sensitivity of blood cultures for invasive
candisiasisranges between 50-70%. This may even be
decreased in neutropenic patients andthose receiving
antifungal therapy (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Ullmann et al.,
2012). When catheter-related infections are suspected,
Farid Zand et al.
to establish a source control, samples should also be
obtained from the catheters(Ullmann et al., 2012).
When culture results turn positive for candida species,
in addition to performing resistance tests, it is impor-
tant to note that minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)
values may also affect the therapy. The documentation
of the candida species is time-consuming may require
several days following positive results. Meanwhile, this
may be fast-tracked through some novel techniques
including PNA-FISH (Peptide Nucleic Acid Fluorescence
In Situ Hybridization) and MALDI-TOF MS (Matrix
Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight
Mass Spectrometry) which are not necessarily available
and/or validated in everyday practice (Heil et al., 2012;
Saracli, Fothergill, Sutton, & Wiederhold, 2015).
Despite the fact that the de nite diagnosis of IFI relies
on blood cultures, they certainly cannot be classi ed
among the early diagnostic strategies. Culture results
are typically available after several days while as-early-
as-possible clinical decision is often necessary to save
patient’s life. Based on the above, cultures may largely
be used as con rmatory tests to continue an already
commenced empirical antifungal regimen to de-escalate
it to other options (Elhou et al., 2014).
The clinical outcome in patients with invasive can-
didiasis largely depends on the timeliness in antifungal
therapy (Hope et al., 2012; Ullmann et al., 2012). Many
clinical investigations have clearly shown that delayed
approach in antifungal therapy has a negative impact on
survival (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Ahmed et al., 2014; Blot,
Vandewoude, Hoste, & Colardyn, 2002; Corona, Cislaghi,
& Singer, 2008; Elhou et al., 2014; Garey et al., 2006;
Mardani et al., 2011; Morrell, Fraser, & Kollef, 2005;
Skrobik & Laverdiere, 2013; Viaggi, Tascini, & Meni-
chetti, 2014; Yildirmak, Gedik, Simsek, Iris, & Gucuy-
ener, 2013). Based upon the diagnostic possibility of IFIs,
various strategies including prophylaxis, empirical, pre-
emptive, or targeted therapy may be pursued.
Prophylactic antifungal therapy is used to prevent IFIs,
namely invasive candida infection in patients who are
asymptomatic yet at high-risk (Moghadami et al., 2013).
Though  uconazole is the mostly used prophylactic
option in general, echinocandins have also been suc-
cessfully used (Senn et al., 2009). Unlike the signi cant
position of prophylaxis in immunocompromised hosts
(Fortun et al., 2016; Mardani et al., 2011; Moghadami et
al., 2013), this approach is not commonly recommended
in non-neutropenic ICU-admitted patients (Ullmann et
al., 2012).
As de ned by ESCMID (Arendrup et al., 2014; Ullmann
et al., 2012), empirical approach is warranted in patients
withpersistent fever despite adequate antibiotic therapy
who are found to be at high risk forinvasive candidiasis
based on their increased risk scores.
In case of microbiological evidence of IFIs (1-3 BDG
biomarker, mannan/anti-mannan double test or detec-
tion of fungal nucleic acid by PCR) in clinically-sus-
pected cases, pre-emptive approach become warranted
as de ned by ESCMID (Ullmann et al., 2012). Such IFIs
are typically categorized into “possible” or “probable”.
The antifungal therapy can be adapted to achieve favora-
ble results as targeted therapy, once the sensitivity of
anti-candidaoptions as well as their MIC from the blood
culture or other specimen is identi ed. Though this is
considered as gold-standard, availability of cultures
results is not timely (Badiee & Alborzi, 2011; Eggimann
et al., 2011; Mean et al., 2008; Ullmann et al., 2012).
A number of international guidelines and national con-
sensus statements (from the IFI-CF forums across Iran)
are available to optimize our practice upon choosing
the appropriate agents in IFI management in critically-
ill patients (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Elhou et al., 2014;
Kontoyiannis, 2001; Mardani et al., 2011; Moghadami
et al., 2013; Pappas et al., 2016; Patterson et al., 2016;
Ullmann et al., 2012). Meanwhile, local epidemiology
and resistance pro les need to be established and taken
into account when considering an antifungal option in a
given clinical scenario.
Considering the available guidelines, local epidemiol-
ogy (Badiee & Alborzi, 2011; Mohammadi et al., 2013;
Zaini et al., 2012), and expert panels’ inputs from the
IFI-CF, Shiraz, the concurred approachto antifungal
therapy against IC in non-neutropenic adult patients is
summarized in Figure 1.
With regard to the initiation and duration of therapy,
in case of a positive blood culture for candida, empiric
antifungal therapy should immediately be commenced
followed by daily blood cultures. The patient needs to
be treated for a minimum of 14 days following the  rst
Farid Zand et al.
negative culture. If candidemia is present, fundoscopic
examination becomes crucial to exclude intraocular
candidiasis (Pappas et al., 2016; Ullmann et al., 2012).
The burden of IFIs needs to receive a more focused clini-
cal attentionespecially in our high-risk, critically-ill,
ICU-admitted patients. Despite the recent progress indi-
agnosis and treatment of IFIs, this clinically-signi cant
issue continues to often be overlooked. Timely diagno-
sis and properantifungal therapy is the only chance for
improved survival in critically-ill patients with IFIs. As
far as concernedby the practice guidelines, empirical
and pre-emptive approaches tend to the most promis-
ing strategies (Ahmadi et al., 2014; Elhou et al., 2014;
He et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015; Pappas et al., 2016;
Patterson et al., 2016; Shi et al., 2015; Ullmann et al.,
2012). Validation and inclusion of fungalbiomarker
assays and DNA tests in our practicewould potentially
improve diagnostic accuracy and enable earlier treat-
ment approaches. Nonetheless, several concerns need
to be resolved not only on availability and validity of
such tests in routine practice, but also the remaining key
issues in diagnostics and therapy as well as determina-
tion of the treatment duration.
The present IFI-CF (Invasive Fungal Infections-Clin-
ical Forum) brought together an interdisciplinary panel
of experts from infectious diseases and intensive care
elds in Shiraz to view the available evidence, taking
into consideration recent practice guidelines on IFIs
management in the ICU. The panelaimed to arrive at an
agreed position in current clinical practice of IFIs in ICU.
The following remarks emerged from the IFI-CF’s dis-
cussions on epidemiology, the range of pathophysiology
from colonization to the invasive infections, risk predic-
tion, diagnosis and treatment perspectives:
1. The necessity of extending local epidemiology
studies on candida isolates and antifungals’ sensi-
tivity in patients admitted to ICUs
2. Identifying the impact of adherence to the current
local consensus as well as other local and interna-
tional practice guidelines on the clinical outcome
of ICU-admitted patients at risk for IFIs
3. Considering the use of risk prediction models,
namely the ‘Candida Score’, to identify critical-
ly-ill patients eligible for the empirical antifungal
4. Designing clinical studies in the ICU to consider
invasive infections rather than colonization and to
identify the role of fungal biomarkers (1-3 BDG
biomarker, mannan/anti-mannan double test or
detection of fungal nucleic acid by PCR) in opti-
mizing our clinical approaches.
5. Capitalizing on a ‘working-team concept’, with the
medical microbiologists involved, to further ad-
dress key questions including ‘when to start treat-
ment?’, ‘what strategy to pursue?’and ‘which op-
tion to take?’ in IFIs among ICU-admitted patients.
The IFI-CF received contribution from the following col-
laborators and consultants from Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran (sorted alphabetically):
Asadpour, Elham (Pharmacology); Badiee, Parisa
(Medical Mycology); Dabiri, Gholamreza (Intensive
Care); Fallahi, Mohammad-Javad (Pulmonology); Ghay-
umi, Seyed Mohammad-Ali (Pulmonology); Haddad-
Bakhodaei, Hosein (Intensive Care); Haghbin, Saeedeh
(Pediatrics, Intensive Care); Khaloo, Vahid (Intensive
Care); Mackie, Mandana (Intensive Care); Momeni,
Behrooz (Pulmonology); Mortazavi, Shahram (Infectious
Diseases); Pouladfar, Gholamreza (Pediatrics, Infectious
Diseases); Sabetian, Golnar (Intensive Care); Savaie,
Mohsen (Intensive Care); Vazin, Afsaneh (Clinical Phar-
macy); Zomorodian, Kamiar (Medical Mycology).
Authors would like to thank Dr. Dindoust P, Salarian
A, Hejazi-Farahmand SAR, for supporting this clini-
cal forum. The ‘IFI-CF, Shiraz’ received scienti c and
administrative support from Shiraz Anesthesiology and
Critical Care Research Center, Shiraz University of Medi-
cal Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, as well as the MSD Medical
team at Behstan Darou PJS, Tehran, Iran.
The present report outlined the communications andex-
perts’ opinions during the IFI-CF held on 28 Novem-
ber 2015, Shiraz, Iran. The authors declare no compet-
ing interest upondata review, talk delivery during the
meeting, interactivediscussions and preparation of the
present report. MN provided medical consultancy to
Behestan Medical Scienti c Committee, Behestan Group,
Tehran, Iran.
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